Flicker! FM - The Kidnapper Team Will Strike Again...

This is factually inaccurate

It’s not.
If a Playstyle changes it doesn’t effect alignment.

Playstyle isn’t AI, I’ll personally fight you on that one.

That’s why meta exists. Polarization exists.

I play scared as wolf most often I hide. I hate playing wolf almost as much as I hate playing VT.

Self Meta bad… but accurate.

I don’t know how SillyKitty could have accidentally confused @Magnus with @Atlas

Neon could also be a wolf covering for their buddy who started up the first town read on them.

I hate playing VT.

I like all alignments, I just wanna do stuff

Fight me all you want. You are literally wrong. People play differently as town and scum.

Mimicking your town game is good but there are still differences. Mine are more pronounced.

I post less content, solve less and meme more

Tell me where that exists here.

Oh also I bus D1 always lol

I literally confused them in my head and needed to confirm it to myself multiple times

those other reasons, to my knowledge, have barely been stated
i’ve heard more from neon about it than from you, and you’re the one hard pushing it

I don’t remember you doing it in the wolf game I sent you?
Perhaps I didn’t see it orrr??

you sent me*

The game that just ended and I have a lot of experience with Magnus.


Yeah but they still have the same play they just go about stuff differently that’s literally it.

I did. It was muted but my vote was on my team most of the day.

This is not always true. Polarization exists.

Someone who is frozen as wolf will post less regardless of how much they post as town.

It is why MU has a stats page. A really useful one. You can look at yourself and improve using it.

Need to do some RL stuff now so good night everyone. :sleepingleafeon:

I’m going to bed bbl

i assume i missed it if you’re going to argue this point this firmly
and the fact that you have no counter to my arguments on why they’re town aswell

magnus sorry for misgendering you im just dumb