FoL Awards 2022 - Results Thread


If you want to achieve this, then certainly you would benefit from some people to cheer you own.

How about it? Iā€™ll be your cheerleader and scold you if you are being silly!


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Heā€™s not coping, I think heā€™s telling the truth. Heā€™ll lower the wolf win rate by randing wolf.



This is mean. :stuck_out_tongue:
Yā€™all underestimate me.

Iā€™ve had some GOATed games in the past.

Iā€™ve also had a GOATed game that we lost cause I went against my own game plan and ended up getting myself executed, despite having been in a town core with 2 other town members that we all trusted in.

I plan to bring scum win rate to 100% (for all games Iā€™m in)
this isnā€™t a brag itā€™s reality

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thats not hard thats just fol


interesting wording

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but no one has managed the impressive feat of losing all their town games yet

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everyone who played 1 game and lost just doesnā€™t exist i guess

guys he didnā€™t say heā€™s going to improve townplay he just said heā€™s going to increase it

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zorvo won an almost perfect wolfgame with me gorta and whysper
the latter two didnt post as much

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Itā€™s a well known statistics fact that all new players roll mafia in their first game. Thatā€™s why people always love to execute them. There are some jesters who love to fake flip them though.

getting your ass absolutely handed to you through a mixture of bad luck and inexperience because you randed wolf on your first game is part of the experience


They call me ā€œno oneā€


odysseus moment


MORBTAINADO - Obvtowned, had decent enough reads, got one wolf from D1 and was starting to catch on to the other two before dying N2. I had my suspicions of the deepwolf, and figured out by the time the night phase started that if I died, he was definitely scum, but by then, it was too late to speak up. Lost.
VALORANT - Killed by wolves N1. Nothing else of note. Lost.
FLICKER - Caught essentially the entire wolfteam through associative reads, hard accused 3/4 of them from D3 before anyone else was onto more than one and had a small PoE for the fourth slot, but couldnā€™t convince anyone; was misexecuted in ExLo to end the game. Lost.
GOAT^2 - My solves all had one out of the two remaining wolves from D2 (which one it was swapped around), but I prioritized the villager I was suspecting through four different theories, and incorrectly judged two actual wolves hard unaligned because of some weird votecounts. Got pocketed and helped the wolves pull the victory on the final day. Lost
STARCRAFT - Managed to get all of the wolves in my fairly narrow PoE by D3 and got really close to the solve, but I got hung up on bad mechanical speculation and ended up lockscumming a villager (hi Jarek) who was obviously unaligned from most of the wolves, putting me on a horrendously wrong track and leaving a terrible legacy behind on my D3 execution (I also do not know why they killed me). Lost
BLAND & FLAVOURLESS - Had decent reads, but was pretty passive the whole game, only putting together a solve on the final day; it was just about all correct, but not convincing enough to prevent the single villager misvote we needed to lose the game. Lost
PATHOLOGIC INVITATIONAL - This is a towngame because Lemon and I were masons. We had the entire game down perfectly - we were the top two townreads going into ExLo - but somehow managed to blow it and give the less cool village the reverse sweep. I blame my overconfidence. Lost
NIGHTMARE WOODS - I was part of a hydra. We died N1. The game ended in a moderror. I was declared a wolf postmortem and had the Dead Wolf role in the wolfchat. We joked all game that we were hard unaligned and that one of us was evil. The fact that our collective rolecard was green and town technically won still doesnā€™t mean that I have to acknowledge it as my first victory. DNF