FoL Awards 2024 - Nominations Thread

Kinda dead here
I’ll nom @Zugzwang for community mvp
cool bots




/nominate tdac vig10er for best flavor (hosted by @YoubutWorse)


Wait dont nom me yet i had this idea to make one of those oscar “for your consideration” things where it was like clips from the videos i made


@May @Arete @Willow can one of you add this nom
I tried but its like, foreign science idk how it works its kinda like another language

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I nominate @YoubutWorse for Best Flavor 2025

I know it will happen in the future and she will make a real banger


seconded btw



[Logs updated.]


Seconded. [Logs updated.] really deserves that award. Giggles


I nominate the following for Best Setup:


Seconded all of them.

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I nominate Drama Mill Misc for Best Misc. It’s simply so stellar and innovative that the signups have record numbers of participation and engagement - and the game hasn’t even started yet!


i second this

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Ugh fine I’ll do it myself. I’ll save Christmas

I am a biased nominator. It’s bad for most of the award nominations to be me, because, like everybody else, I focus on my friends and overlook people and won’t nominate for games I’m salty about and stuff. To mitigate the impact of my BIASED nature, please make COMPETING nominations. What I am doing here is the bare minimum we need to have awards at all

Best Town Performance, single player, special game - @Magnus in Vote-A-Life, got a bunch of the mafia, pushed correct executions, was cop, awesome stuff
Best Neutral/Third Party Performance - @Eve (@lilith and @pandora) in Jackal Returns, who successfully convinced their mafia teammate to vote to kill themselves (the fact that they missed a win in that wild endgame does not diminish this achievement)
Best Neutral/Third Party Performance - @SirDerpsAlot for winning as Viscount in Virtuous V
Best Replacement Performance - @Magnus in April Showers Reconstructed for taking Eve from a consensus suspected slot to F3, even if they eventually lost as is their curse it was an impressive performance and replacing in is damn difficult
Best Use of a Power Role - @tutuu in PJO FM. The dayvig shot scum :+1:
Best Use of a Power Role - @Chomps in Knight-Errant. The cop caught scum :+1:
Best Fakeclaim - I genuinely can’t find any can somebody else please go
Best Town Performance (Group Vanilla) - @Zugzwang @tutuu @Frostwolf103 @Someone @Chomps @Hippopablompoyeetus @beancat @Kiiruma @SirDerpsAlot in Kittens Game: Combinatorics Mafia, a lot of people just remember the Marluna Incident at the end of this game but the village was genuinely winning a game that they’d played very well up to that point - Marluna guessing the masons early was an instance of genuine significant skill and town won despite that
Best Town Performance (Group Vanilla) - WHOEVER THE FUCK WAS IN IT for Don’t Starve Anonymous, mafia executions D1 and D2 and though the last made it to F3 town still won
Best Town Performance (Group Special) - @beancat @May @Frostwolf103 @Apprentice @Jarek @Kiiruma @Arctic @bystander @sulit @Ash @Anonymoose @tutuu @Jane for PJO FM, it was a literal fucking clean sweep, like 3 players died and they were all mafia, and the last mafia conceded, it was perfect
Best Scum Performance (Group Vanilla) - @Aleph and @beancat in Think Twice, got a clean win with the first vote of the game being the Goon voting their Godfather flagbearer. Bold as hell and a good win
Best Scum Performance (Group Vanilla) - @Ash @Anonygoose @Badeline in Maybot’s Combinatorics Mafia. Townsided setup that the mafia still won! They were able to pinpoint the masons very well (Hippo guessed most of them N1) and play to the objective of the setup (to ensure the village doesn’t guess your team) even while being suspected. It’s strategy it’s gaming
Best Scum Performance (Group Special) - @Wazza @Hazardwaste @Leafia @Jarek @Chomps for Singers FM. I don’t really remember how this game went but it was a pretty clean win. Mods help

Best Flavour - Somebody else please do this I don’t care about flavour I feel bad nominating
Best Misc - @tutuu for Drabble Duel (Doppelgangsters edition), everybody loves this game and it’s one of the most popular miscs here, it’s just genuinely very fun and funny
Best Misc - @Atlas for EiMM, a genuinely well- and lovingly-designed EiMM game which was a ton of fun, I enjoyed maneuvering mechanics there a lot, it was an excellent puzzle, and which ended up having literally zero people salty about their role which is unheard of for EiMMs
Best Role/Mechanic - Kind of cheating: @Atlas for the Slayer in EiMM, specifically the 2-shot JOAT abilities which unlock as the nights go on. It was a really fun resource conservation minigame and there were a lot of genuinely good choices I could’ve made with it which was nice. EiMM is close enough to mafia that I think this is fair.
Best Role/Mechanic - @Zone_Q11 for the Paradox Hazards in Paradox Hazard. Innovative idea that looked like fun

Funniest Moment - @Daeron for Drama Mill Misc. It may not be a real misc eligible for the Best Misc award, but it is certainly a Moment. The Moment
Funniest Moment - @Ash’s literally perfect spot-on benguinedparbecue impression in Drabble Duel [Misc] Drabble Duel 2 - benguined wins! - #503 by idot
Best Meme - @Marshal for the Drabble Duel tutuu who’s that Pokemon image. Timeless, classic, always useful
Community MVP - @Zone_Q11 for singlehandedly keeping the queue alive and running while also always being willing to step back and let others run games, helping keep track of the award nominations, reviewing games, encouraging other hosts, et cetera

Best Mechanical/Strategic Player - @Kiiruma, he is known for this, enough words have been said already on the subject “Kiiruma is good at BotFs”
Best Mechanical/Strategic Player - @Atlas, consistently does/did well at mechanics in BotFs and in FAM4 which is mechanics hell world
Best Replacement Player - @Aleph, consistently replaces in which is pro-social behaviour, let’s go
Best Replacement Player - @Jane REPLACING IN IS COOL. REPLACE
Rookie-of-the-Year - @soweli Not a rookie overall I know but new here and appreciated a lot
Rookie-of-the-Year - @spookycat27 Also new here. Also fun
Most Improved Player - @Ash Hi
Best Team Player - @Magnus Prioritises team experience over personal glory to an admirable degree and is very gracious about everything and doesn’t even fucking bus teammates if they don’t want to be bussed
Best Misc Player - @Marshal, won The Boys despite basically having no right to, constantly convincing everybody ot hand over their role information in 2r1b, et cetera
Best Misc Player - @Zugzwang, for outstanding performance in Ransom Dumner Weeeeee
Best Town Player - @Zugzwang gay
Best Town Player - @Frostwolf103 His reads! Are! Consistently! Very good!
Best Scum Player - @catbae Nya nya nya nya nya nya
Best Scum Player - @sheepsaysmeep Nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Best All-Around Player - @tutuu polarised noob
Best All-Around Player - @Hippopablompoyeetus Nyanynaynaynynanynya


May got community mvp 2023 right? if she didn’t i would have nominated her for that post (im not reading all that though. happy for you, or sorry that happened)

i second all of those

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i second tutuu’s ones if she can’t self second


You literally admitted to not reading them… ugh fine I’ll accept it. For Christmas


if i do the manual labor of putting them all in the wiki for you will you forgive me?

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