FoL Music League

I’m between two songs

thats not true! you listen to radiohead


also you LITERALLY had me listen to Queen II that was like the second album we listened to together I won’t forget


I only listen to two bands

I will sub a song from the second one

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You can’t reveal my secrets in front of people what the hell

you told people I was the real jade homestuck… its fair game

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not enough people sub,mit radiohead i think. You could fix that

The way I have my Acceptance + [redacted] song selected for the final round but can’t select a song for the Acceptance-only round.


molly :handshake: kat

giving each other a pity vote for meme reasons

pleasure doin business


Fighting the urge to not submit Kyrie・Awaremino Sanka again.

I think I’m just gonna hammer a square peg in and hope for the best.

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this category was not very good for me, so the opportunity to do a funny vote was too good to pass up

all of the “good” music submitted i found mostly boring


weak mindset

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acceptance is a weird round for me i listen to a lot of fuck the system get angry music


Join us

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there is fuck the system it cant control me music. thats pretty close

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i tried a song i loved and cried about it. bad cat fit but i need to find a spot for it

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revolution lover - left at london
i needed to hear this in 2018 and i needed to hear it in 2024
it’s literally the opposite of acceptance though it’s a song about how everything is going to be okay if we push through things are gonna get better


oh i think i’ve got one