FoL Music League


maybe bc its midround or something? thats weird

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Round ends in three days, and if she’s not able to join then, I’ll start tinkering with stuff.

Ends in 16ish hours, no?

Wait, I’m choking.
It ends 2024-03-30T01:00:00Z.
That’s 28 hours from now.

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Oh right

This round is truly cursed (I did the exact same thing).

New theme just dropped???

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that would be helpful yeah

the phone browser version is surprisingly usable? The app is shit obviously

I joined on browser and then signed in through the app

Ok, thought process for the League as a whole was to alternate between rounds where I expect intense songs and rounds where I expect calmer songs, giving the League as a whole stronger pacing. In essence, I expect things to go intense-calm-intense-calm-intense.

Round 3’s prompt was designed to be built as an intense round, and I intended to do so with a similar design ethos to the first Music League prompts: keeping it extremely open-ended and mafia-related. Round 2 from last League was an F3 playlist, and I remembered feeling that there were a hundred different ways one could go with that: the pressure was what we all ended up agreeing was emblematic, but I wanted to focus on intensity from a different, more specific angle.

A jester being in a F3, at least by QBCord standards, means that there’s one town, one mafia, and one jester. There are three ways that I see one being able to take with that:

  1. Town and mafia don’t automatically lose the game if jester wins. This means that the jester can guarantee their victory - they vote themselves, and the mafia member votes them too. Thus, you can do something with gloating, the guy taking a victory lap of sorts, one step away from total victory. Perhaps, if you’re cruel, you snatch it away from them by the end. Depends on your song.
  2. Town and mafia do automatically lose the game if the jester wins, and the jester has been outed. Thus, each will vote the other, all you can do is vote yourself and play for the odds. Fairly self-explanatory.
  3. Town and mafia do automatically lose the game if the jester wins, but the jester hasn’t been outed yet. This was my idea of the situation when I designed the prompt, and it kinda implies that the jester kinda sucks at his job, and I found that to be very funny. More on topic, the jester has to frame themselves as an easy target without appearing as too easy a target. It’s a tricky balance, and I wanted the songs to capture this sentiment of being a step away from both victory and death, in this all-or-nothing state where you make a final stand.

Does that help?

I would argue alternating strong/intense and chill/relaxed is actually not good overall pacing lol

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Second Music League, you gotta take some risks, and even within those categories, I expect exceptions.

If it fails, it fails. It’s still valuable to learn that.


I don’t think it would fail or anything drastic like that

I just don’t think the best metric for “good pacing” is “alternating energy levels” lol

feels more like something with pacing should have some sort of flow not just flip-flopping

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sort of
I just hope people give some good explanations in the notes for that LOL

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Yeah, you’re probably right.
My concern was that building in an escalation throughout the League risked monotony and would give too little room for experimentation.

What do you mean? The categories are perfect for you. Everyone literally just subbed old people music.

Ok, from what I’ve pieced together, I think your song was the one that I accidentally gave points to.