FoL Music League

actually yahr thats a better way of saying it

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Cringe is adjacent to sus

it was too based for this world

From the autopsy, I think the bigger problem came down to tone.
Like, Drifting suggests a sense of floating along; Break Out suggests anger and frustration; Keep Moving Forward suggests forward momentum.
Round 3 didn’t have that. In hindsight, I should’ve more explicitly leaned on the idea of “chaotic intensity”, but I think that just demanded an entirely different prompt.

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I’m pretty sure the majority of hte lyrics of that song are things I actually said while tunnelling the jester the song is about. I’m pretty sure I am the one who first said “cringe is adjacent to sus”

I’m a genius lyricist

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chaotic intensity is more f3 in general, while a JESTER in f3 trying to get voted out is alike a very specific mood thats hard to encapsulate. i get what u mean tho

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Around the world


I wasn’t specifically thinking of the prompt
I was thinking about the gloating after you win and it’s revealed you’re jester
(referring to the Initial D song)


Luna cooked and I’ll stand by that she ate

i cooked this round guys

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I didn’t choose a random one this time

caaaats craaaawl into gutters

just at the siiight of meeeeee

I chose a certified banger

for anyone wondering THIS is “what” the cat. They are peak kitty

SmartSelect_20240412_183251_NOISZ SL

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that’s next round

It can be both

Lmao theres a song i wanna sub but im 99% sure someone else will, rip

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Chloe on her way to submit a Strokes song.


i wrote down what song it is for proof that i almost subbed it :joy_cat:

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