FoL Music League

I mean, I can extend the deadline a bit if you need more time.

nahh i was able to download the app i should eb able to get my votes in, i just have to listen to the last song and then place them

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@Marluna, 8.16247 hours until round end.
Hopefully, Music League works by then.

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I gave up on finding a good song so i subbed portal for our fallen soldier

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I went from having zero ideas last category to having way too many for this one


I was way off this round with my guesses.

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Oh, yeah, my original submission was going to be something from Heaven’s Feel, but I changed my mind at, like, 1 in the morning because that entire day, I’d been listening to Rabbit Hole as I descended into madness during the final moments of the hackathon, and it just felt fitting to submit that.

I did know what the lyrics mean, but my brain was fried by that point, and I could not make a good argument for anything to save my life.

thats hilarious because it was the only portal song I actually liked


everything chloe touches turns to gold tbh

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someones gotta explain how kung fu panda fit the theme bc it was a BANGER song but idk how it fit the theme


I got the most amount of people to vote for me so really i won in a way bc that means i found a song that fits the theme

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i wouldnt say its kung fu panda itseslf more just the song…

i just thought it was a silly interperetation of the prompt… a very overt desparate love song as a… very new approach to f3 as jester. I thought it was a funny idea and i liked the song

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When you frame it that way, I see the vision.

i still don’t really see it tbh

if there was a comment with it I mightve understood more

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but also tbf it was kinda hard with this one as far as “fitting the cat” I was a lot looser this time with catfit just b/c it was such a wide and abstract category.

i tried to sub something that I felt had a pretty direct catfit? but i didn’t penalize as much as i would otherwise.

still think the …baby one more time one fits pretty well though in a “desparately call for romance from another player in f3 strat because who wouldn’t vote that out”

I also don’t know if thats what marl was going for but I saw it that way and thought it was funny

i would maybe prefer… slightly more defined categories. although i have no qualms with any of the other ones in this league just that one

fitting the cat
like WHAT the cat

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i think the issue with the category is that it was too defined into a super niche thing
songs dont really encapsulate that feeling of being a jester in f3 trying to die (except for the one that was about that)