FoL Music League

california gurls is a great song but i stand by my opinion that it is a bop and not a banger


I can understand that
I think on retrospect (bc i submitted that on a whim) I should’ve submitted Somebody That I Used To Know

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i feel like california gurls BANGS idk. i be screaming that shit in the car like nobodies business

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i legit forgot to submit until the last 15min so i opened my workout playlist and yolo’d one of the lesser-known songs lmfao

theyre all bangers

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“would I be jamming out to this in a car”


do it do it

will you maybe implement some of the new vote things tho
capping how many votes you can make per song - maybe giving 12 votes instead of 10 too idk
up to y’all

I picked a good song that I knew ~none of you would like and I would never sub to a walrus

That being said, California Gurls getting any votes at all means my already low interest in participating in any of these in any serious manner just dropped even lower :skull:

if u can win by just subbing music we’ve all heard on the radio a billion times what even is the point

orange when he doesn’t win by subbing something he knows people won’t like to a Submitting Songs People Will Like competition



i mean if the goal was to NOT submit songs people have heard before i feel like thats both impossible to achieve and also not really what people have been doing?

ive heard a lot of songs subbed before (i.e every single portal 2 song) but I was judging songs based on 1. How well they fit the theme 2. How much I liked them (mainly the 1st one)
i made it my goal to not repeat submissions but like. no one had an issue when So What was submitted. someone literally submitted hit me baby one more time and no one really complained besides the fact it iddnt fit the theme as well as other songs. i dont really see the problem it feels like this is just happenign bc claifornia gurls won


No orange would say the same thing even if california gurls didn’t win tbh. I don’t think he’s salty specifically because it won, but because he sees this as a competition where people introduce new music to eachother, and thinks subbing popular songs goes against the spirit of that

This is speculation based on how he views walruses ftr
I sorrrrta share that opinion but also do acknowledge that this isn’t a walrus and we don’t actually have established expectations - its just for funsies


I do find it much more fun to listen to stuff i’ve never heard tho tbh - even if i don’t end up liking some of it


ye but I fail to find it fun if the things people sub are super common

id just go turn on the radio if I wanted that (I don’t)

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I’d much rather have a category with new music I’ve never heard of where I hate all of it than a category where it’s just all of my favorite songs

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All my favorite songs are slow and sad

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Call me crazy, but I never heard California gurls, or so What. (While at least 50 percent of the songs coming from the radio are in English…)

Well, California gurls aren’t my style anyway. (When I instantly liked ‘So What’.)

that came on on my spotify mix in the car with 3 other ppl in the car and only then did i realize how silly the lyrics probably sound to someone who hasn’t been thoroughly weezdoctrinated