FoL Music League

love that ybw was insanely positive and gave it 0 points

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It happens. There were quite a few good songs in this round.

i thought The Approaching Night would be orange just based on the blurb, but then i kept listening and i was like oh nah this would hella put him to sleep

I am LOVING this

My only complaint, if I have to be picky, is that it’s not long enough - I want to listen to it more!

0 points

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I liked it but yeah it’s not something I would ever choose to put on while grinding out writing

not me watching in horror and disgust as like 5 people 0 me in a row

wtf yall

thanks @notblackorwhite @notgrayorgray for breakin the streak

hell the later at night it is the more likely I am to swap over to writing to rock music lol

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i have far too many songs for round 3 im so lonely


fire song
i added it to my playlist :joy:

I’ve got an awful idea for this round.
Remind me to switch my song tomorrow; I am not competent enough to write a good description for it tonight.

apparently ybw and i did not have the same song in mind considering we both submitted like immediately lmfao


Can’t wait for everyone to WIFOM themselves out of the obvious choice.

wait fuck now theres ANOTHER song i wanna submit i wanna do 2 :sob:

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im really curious to know what urs was now lmao

We will find out in due time.

well uhm i changed it so i’ll tell u after lol

@Garfooled @Marluna @Ash

i am writing this entire post while listening to my song on repeat, since every single one of you complained that it would be hard to write to.

the first thing i notice is that the song fucking rules, but beyond that, it does not impede my ability to write at all. multiple people stated in their song comments that writing while listening to lyrics was hard, but i struggle to believe any of you make sure to catch every lyric you hear. i cannot fathom how one finds this less distracting than the guitar explosion death note song just because there are words.

this song has a steady energy level, while never feeling repetitive. it makes for both good tuning-out-into-the-background music, and good tuning-in-when-you-need-a-fun-breather music; there are never any distracting dramatic climaxes in your ears, but there’s also always something fun and varied to hear if you need it. it also makes for a perfect song to listen to on loop, since the energy at the start and end are virtually the same, making it less jarring than looping a song like the dcfc song chloe subbed. if the point of listening to music while writing was to have something you wouldn’t want to pay attention to, i’d just take my headphones off.

how did that piano song get up there. how. if y’all wanted ambient solo piano, i could’ve brought some much more interesting than that. here, have one:

garfooled wtf you’d rather write to brain power than this so much that you gave it THREE WHOLE POINTS? the only thing i see myself writing to brain power is O–oooooooooo AAAAE-A-A-I-A-U- JO-oooooooooooo AAE-O-A-A-U-U-A- E-eee-ee-eee AAAAE-A-E-I-E-A- JO-ooo-oo-oo-oo EEEEO-A-AAA-AAAA. what wolf do you think you’re gonna bury with O–oooooooooo AAAAE-A-A-I-A-U- JO-oooooooooooo AAE-O-A-A-U-U-A- E-eee-ee-eee AAAAE-A-E-I-E-A- JO-ooo-oo-oo-oo EEEEO-A-AAA-AAAA? how many? none? no wolves? that’s what i thought.

if any of your walls have been lacking lately, i would suggest trying something new, by listening to good music.

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i almost liked this post but then saw u dissed my song frick u


what’d we do???