FoL Music League

you are now legally required to remove all orange and all black from your pfp

Alright brb coming to michigan

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good luck with that

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lyric was one thing.

but I’m the type of a person who while listening to songs, I like to give my feeling to the message of the songs, when it has lyrics,

which in case was don’t caring about the world… I simply can’t imagine writing, WHILE i don’t care.

who is the smileyface?

let the bass kick

i listened to brain power while writing most of my english portfolio last semester. that and a bunch of obscure 20s & 30s all black frontier films. but those are not on spotify

i really wish we could do youtube subs because honestly most of my “writing” music isnt on spotify. neither are my unknown love songs

its like i actively seek obscurer music on yt so spotify subs r gonna trend towards the mainstream because thats what i listen to on spotify

Chat, we’re faced with the ultimate decision:
Do we go for the points, spurning artistic integrity and novelty in favor of mass-market appeal?
Or do we embrace that novelty, that spark of inspiration, yet forever exile ourselves to the bottom half of the ranking?

i’d give points for novelty tbh

you know what

anyone who submits an abrasive song to this round, i hereby pledge to reimburse you the points orange will rob you of

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i’m just saying, you can’t tell me with a straight face that a song like this:

…is not evil as fuck

and you also can’t tell me with a straight face that you would give it anything but a 0

but anyone who dares to venture into true evil territory, i will be their champion in the voting phase

We ball.

yeah I mean I buy this as death metal, and if you think that’s evil then aight, but I think the opening is more evil than the latter half anyways lel

it is definitely not death metal lol

note: I’m aware it’s probably not “death metal” but I cba to tell these genres apart when my desire to listen to any of them is negative (as should be yours)

if most people’s first instinct would be to call it “death metal” it effectively exists within that sphere, qed