FoL Music League

rock is my favorite genre :slight_smile:

i prefer amrock


wanted to keep this non-serious but i find the parenthetical fairly obnoxious and unnecessary



anyway i’m gonna go listen to black dresses for 2 hours

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see look even molly thinks I’m being super mean now

how can win

like she even fired the first shot in this round of banter :sob:

but like what’s even the joke

“it’s funny because people shouldn’t listen to screaming in music”?

it just comes off as obnoxiously dismissing a whole kind of music as invalid for no reason

imma try and not make a whole thing out of this in this thread, but i do think there’s a pretty clear distinction lol

well my assumption was that you specifically calling me out was meant to be friendly?

and so returning in kind is kinda just the norm?

but like I guess if you were calling me out by name to actually take a real shot at me for whatever reason then like sure I guess my response could be seen as mean

but why would I ever assume you’d just call out my music taste out of nowhere for no reason to expressly be mean?

im just wildly confused rn

I was definitely operating under the assumption that you taking shots in your big wall and at me were meant to be in a friendly, joking manner, and I apologize if I seem to have misread real insults as jokes…?

what even has this conversation become

i meant it as friendly but like, i don’t see what that has to do with anything? i don’t see why outside factors at all matter as to whether “this kind of music is invalid” is an obnoxious comment

i was joking about how you hate any abrasive music anyone shows you, to a memed-on degree, which is just… true

i think it should be pretty clear how that isn’t even the same species as “people should not want to listen to this kind of music”, so you drawing that comparison is bizarre to me

i’m probably making this sound like a bigger thing than i mean to tho i’m not actually hurt

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u took a shot at my music taste for not liking some kinds of music

I took a shot back at urs for liking the exact same music

nowhere in there do I see anything drawing any wider comparison or trying to make some grand statement invalidating anything?

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i think it should be fairly obvious how “one’s desire to listen to any genre roughly similar to death metal should be negative” is that

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but why am i arguing with you anyway when you listen to uh… uhhhh…


see there u go


Erm erm uh uh uh

fr tho im still not seeing how “you hate X music” “so should you” is really pushing beyond the boundary of the original statement instead of a pretty natural way to return fire

offense absolutely not intended, at any rate

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