FoL Music League

For the record, I changed my song last minute from the risky one to Hellfire, and I couldn’t find the Spotify one for just Hellfire, hence why it’s the one with Heaven’s Light.

music league

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Rigged btw

mad cuz bad

(im boutta flop in this next round)

says you

I definitely have the largest uphill battle for this next one and it’s not close lel

every song i want to post isn’t on there
lick if yu cri evertim


wtf toxic

You didn’t want to pass your tuna to my song? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Pretty sure that was Sulit.

That explains it

We felt like we had a very different interpretation of the category from everyone else based on the submissions and then votes lol

I liked it lmao

I liked it lmao

honestly i could go for some tuna

hole e shit
the category

I think the category lent itself to a very flexible submission round and a very subjective voting round. Wouldn’t advocate for every round to be like this one, but it did make for a fun round.

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how long until ybw realizes

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im scared what does this mean