FoL Music League

okay but have you actually heard White Queen (As It Began) before


if not than as far as I’m concerned, moot point

and im not gonna let the fact that just bc its queen affect my ranking
i just thought it was funny

anyways I forgot to check the box to have my comment appear but are you happy we’re taking a brief detour from musicbox Red (zts) to musicbox Blue (Dai) lel

very amused by one of the songs here lol

how does voting work? do we just distribute our 10 votes however we’d like?

yep - max of 5 for any single song

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love being able to harshly judge everyone’s votes because i voted early

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Tbh i found it harder to vote cuz there were only a few songs i vibed with

Also in hindsight i have no clue why i thought my sub would do well lolme oopies

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that’s specifically why i found it easier to vote lol i had fewer children to kill

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Infanticide??? Rakes Song reference???

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i went in expecting my song to not do well but it turns out folers are cooler than i thought and it is in fact doing well lmao

was probably already obvious it was me anyway

I love how people either vote on the first day or vote on the last day, with almost nothing in between.

i might vote on the mid day just u wait


last three voters hard side with my song plsplspls it’ll be funny

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I already know ahat im subbing for next round, pls vote so we can go next :pleading_face:


this tbh

I have a legal obligation to submit a certain song so hurry up!!

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maybe we should do 5 day cycles for next time or something lol

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i have it set so that if everyone votes/submits songs then itll skip to the next phase and add the time
i like the week long phases bc it adds less pressure and also lets me actually get into the mood to want to listen to new music and pay attention to it