FoL Music League

i see that you too tried to submit waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


@Marluna @katze no pressure but uh, hopefully you’re not fully occupied for the next hour

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having a warning of more than an hour would have been helpful

oh wait its just picking a song nvm

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which of you did this

“I’ll remind them 6-12 hours before the due date”
My sleep schedule + day schedule today: :joy:

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(thanks for reminding them, whoever did it last round too)

Hmmm being completely exhausted after a long day probably isn’t the best time to be listening to all this

I wanted to submit a different song but 1. I’ve been busy 2. I’m tired of being last to submit every time

very solid round here good stuff

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Jesus christ

Clear favourite here huh

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really? i thought this round was extremely mid

bad stuff!

(this is hyperbolic)

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listening rn
lots of good shid
i gotta agree

i should actually listen to these while running tbh


i was heavily debating on doing that then comprehensively reviewing them but i decided running for 50 minutes sucks and im not doing it

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ill prob take a break after every song to write down my thoughts, making the running easier

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what’s the cutoff limit for “recently discovered” for round 5

(will not be doing this btw bc I forgot i dont have wireless headphones, might if I can borrow one of my family members but thats not guranteed)

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