FoL Music League

okay i only skimmed that wall but ten paragraphs of explaining why you don’t like listening to video game music sets off so many red flags in my brain

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And it doesn’t even have to be emotionally complex music for me to like it, it just has to have something else going for it other than the emotion. If it’s emotionally simple but technically impressive that’s fine. I don’t care .I just want something to think about, and I don’t care if that “something to think about” is in the feelings it gives you, or if it’s in the execution of the song itself, or if it’s because the song is in a context that I can think about. But give me osmething!!!

That’s not really my problem

You can read the posts and have a problem with them or you can not read the posts and not have a problem with them

i’m aiming for the secret third thing option

which will probably end with me being annoying and realizing it too late



too real

If I were writing an essay maybe I’d be more cautious about, like, what the shape of what I’m saying looks like if you blur your eyes, but I’m just talking idly on a forum with my friends so I don’t really have the energy to constantly revise my posts to ensure they’re not prone to, like, rejection based on vague forms

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I’m mostly talking to myself to try to figure out how I feel, I am not attempting to argue a point or be well-formed, I’m just trying to say words

i agree with the first take bc I do like the music a lot mroe knowing the context, but with #2 i think thats kind of generalizing what may be the experience with one (or a few) pieces of VGM to the rest, just bc some songs are one-note emotionally in no way means they all are

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I didn’t say they all are! I said that some of the ones people send me are

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im gonna post yume nikki soundtrack because uhhhh ummmm

Well I didn’t precisely say that because I wasn’t particularly careful about what I was saying because again I don’t care. But that’s not what I intended to say

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ya but ur using that sample set as a reason to explain why u dont like VGM as a whole, thats a fair reason to not like a specific song but i dont think u can apply it to such a broad “genre”

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yume nikki has great music for having 10 seconds of music that loops forever!

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No I’m using it as a reason to explain why I don’t give a shit about some of the songs people who are really into video game music as a whole send me

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my solution here is to have two playlists
one for normal music and one for instrumental music (most of which is video game music because im a big huge nerd)

Like I’m not explaining why I hate all video game music, because I do not hate all video game music, I gave a lot of songs in this category many points! I’m explaining why I’m not [into video game music as a blanket policy], you know? I’m explaining why I’m not a Video Game Music Guy

spoiler the instrumental playlist is 99% wandersong
there’s like 3 songs that arent


most frequently im generally not in the mood for it but sometimes i am