FoL Music League

What a shock.

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whenever i have to take a phone call I put on Lotus Waters from yume 2kki to keep myself calm

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i would join music league if i didnt have incredibly niche tastes that makes it so that i cannot listen to most music i havent hearrd before

y’all have no idea how many songs i want to Unleash but can’t because i don’t want to have songs Unleashed at me

This is a weird distinction to make I don’t think I’m doing it fully properly .Do you know what I mean. Like. There’s liking a few Taylor Swift songs and then there’s being a Swiftie. And if you say “I broadly find Taylor Swift’s discography too boring and samey for me to be a Swiftie” that doesn’t mean you hate every Taylor Swift song, it’s just that you don’t as a rule like them, it means you feel indifferent to most Taylor Swift songs unless tehy do something special for you

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this is a bit of a simplification but

we should have music fight where its music league but its just us and people have to vote on us in particular



radio head vs wandersong

That’s just regular Music League.
People’s votes are on you as a person and literally nothing else.

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I did something similar when I went to london. That’s when I started wearing headphones all the time. So much noise and people I used aviator from oneshot to calm me down. For a while after it would make me panic listening to it though because of that time in london.


london must’ve really sucked for you huh

Do you understand what I’m saying. I don’t know if people understand what I’m saying and getting no feedback on it is scary


yeah mostly

In a similar vein, I listened to Taeko Onuki’s 4:00 AM all the time during one of the worst periods of my life, and now I cannot listen to that song ever again without dragging up some awful stuff.
So, uh, you’re not alone there.

this is definitely true lol

Oh thats a whole different story
But yeah, insanely busy place I’m not familiar with and have to stand still and balance on a train was evil

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I think so but I have no thoughts on the matter

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a lot of wandersong songs i would have to send like. the ingame version because the ingame version has lyrics and the OST doesn’t
luckily these exist