Fortress Plays Imps - 10000, Gnomes - 100, Dragons - 0 (Game Over (for now))

/ignore imp to search the room


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do we make a covenant with the imp

or do we not give a shit


interacting with imps has always get gotted us

blatantly ignoring an imp that’s trying to talk to us, unlike the other two, might also get us got

it’s baiting us

what if it just gets angry and runs after us and bonks us

or sacrifices us to satan

interacting with imps has always backfired

I will now treat them as if they don’t exist regardless of how smart it is

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how are we supposed to release a demon then

just dig deep lmao

I’m feeling deep in my bones that it’s anarchy time

attacc imp

I will don’t test me

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/talk to imp

Guys, i think we should communicate with a servant of hell


we dont need to release a demon
we need to become the demon

/become the imp

This is the way

Trying to reason with evil creatures smh

you dont reason with it

you bargain with it

/talk with imp

If we’re going this route, someone should just tag Osie and we all like the post