Forum Avalon - Mission 4


IcetFeelsPain has picked @Hippopablompoyeetus, @Kiiruma, @IcetFeelsPain, and @Jarek to go on Mission 2.

Post ā€œApproveā€ or ā€œRejectā€ in your rolecards. Please have it done by 2024-12-17T22:40:00Z.



Speak of the devil jesus christ

Same difference :unamused:

Wrong about that Frost.

Yo merlin where you at this game hard

No. So many people rejecting it is whatā€™s strange. Why reject a proposal that weā€™ve been talking about wanting and has three people on it that were on the first mission which was successful?

Wrong. Because whether it failed or not wouldā€™ve given us valuable info.

Jarek is never good here. Iā€™d bet money on it.

For me, I think the rejection gave some insight who is informed spy.

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Approved it because even a failure will let us gain info, which wouldnā€™t be the worst thing in the world.

Why would you bet money on it

You think Iā€™m evil because I donā€™t trust you and you approve of the proposition anyway, despite the fact that we have 3~ more people that can make a choice on a proposition, 2 of which arenā€™t me, youā€™ve accepted it?

Iā€™m very confused but if this is all theatre then Iā€™m getting my popcorn.

Literally everyones doing theatre this is so dumb lmao

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Where art thou spies

A part of me wants to deny the proposition, because even though Iā€™m in it if thereā€™s an evil in it then I get blamed for it just for existing by about half the game without any further consideration. Still, Iā€™d rather not play this game sitting out every single proposition because Iā€™m scared of being framed. Being paranoid isnā€™t a good enough reason to reject a proposition that I think can work.

Im yessing cuz its a fun group and i want kiiruma and jarek to fight lots if theres a fail

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The easiest suggestion is that spies will be inclined to approve of props they or a teammate is in. I am a townie, openly saying I will approve it, and quietly rejected it. The wolves, seeing that I was going to approve it (As far as they could tell), are at least a group of 3, 4 if the toblerone was in there and wanted to accept it as a result.

Thatā€™s 5 accepts, there just needs to be 1 erronious accept from any townie and the prop is approved. Wolves, therefore, rejected it. The puzzle, is to ask why

Jarek. I didnā€™t even know until now that you donā€™t trust me. Itā€™s because of the way that youā€™ve been acting that I donā€™t trust you.

Iā€™ve been advocating for town to get as much info as possible and to not blindly believe that just because something was a success doesnā€™t mean those people are neccessarily good. Iā€™m not evil for making a fairly obvious statement.