Forum Avalon - Resistance Win!

You as re evil for how you’re going about it though Jarek. It feels likw you don’t wsnt us to trudt those three any more than we did before the mission. No one is blindly trusting them and no one is assuming all of them must be good like you want to make it look like.

In short, it feels like you’re trying to spread distrust among our ranka. That doesn’t help the resistance at all.

I don’t.

They are. That’s why “N1 +1” is a largely accepted proposition. With the general idea being that the +1 is the evil one if it fails. Which isn’t always true

You seem misinformed that just because I don’t trust them it means I want to make a blind proposition, which also isn’t true. I’m giving you a warning that if you blindly trust N1 then it easily, very easily, could backfire. If N1+1 works, we can do the same.

whos been talking about wanting it because even hippo and kii rejected it

that’s why im repicking hippo and kii

what info would you have if it failed

you would have a wolf between childe and marluna - what next?

Who do you think is evil if it fails? Hippo being spy means I also have to be spy so I would just accept m2.1 and get a fail and frame childe / marluna

I suppose there is a world where I’m spy and I want to add 2 towns + use you as a scapegoat when I fail it but I think im super towny!!!

Your or hippo, kiiruma could be but like I said they seem to put too much weight on the cop check.

Eh, maybe? This is thinking ahead too far right now given that I don’t really see the prop as evil right now. If it ends up being evil I can go through all the worlds then but for all I know it’s a huge waste of energy for no reason

its not hippo bc hippo spy doesnt give me card

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if hippo is obe they just fail

They tried to give it to themselves at first so I really don’t think I put much weight on that.

i think they wouldve given to a partner otherwise and then spies have a huge confirmation chain and no one can stop them

i guess you can make an argument that “hippo is spy!!! m1 was accepted so spies would have control of card otherwise spies would reject!!!” but i think spies just didnt read op!!!

Evils have to contest with merlin and other roles that know/don’t know certain things so I don’t think it’s as clear cut as trying to be cleared like that. Depending on what evil hippo would be in that world they don’t neccessarily want to be obvious with who they hand out the cop to.

Like I said this is like, all wordy nonsense if this prop is good, and if it’s rejected then even more so, there’s no information right now without seeing a mission go through or fail

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dw we just win here



nope you edited those quotes you aren’t supposed to do that

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Its just big text. And yes I get where you coming from.

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Or really brave of him hoping he wont get checked, I do agree with this simple conclusion

why does no one defend themself when i say they’re mafia