Forum Avalon - Resistance Win!

Erm Jarek or Kii

I mean I’m not exactly surprised.
Too many people were happy with that prop.

It’s probably irrelevant, if one of them is green, the other one is very likely to be red.

(assuming ICET isn’t the spy… this is why I didn’t want him on mission with the lake thingy)

jarek did it


@IcetFeelsPain feel free to check me.

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Why ever say this as town

Surely you want an evil found in check thats asinine

If we hit res we can get another card use

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you gave Icet the check, so checking you is irrelevant, from then onward is 50/50 between Kii and Jarek.
It is very preferable to wanting others to check you as town in this situation.

and since the lake thingy goes whoever was checked, it is better to find green than red (so we can trust the next check as well), so I think it is more of a towny behaviour to asking yourself to be checked in Kii’s case.

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Being checked as town is optimal

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What was the result?

That sounds based.

but it!s true

I’m letting other ppl talk first

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Ur outted :pensive:

Dont forget Merlin is on the case. :sunglasses:

Merlin would have seen two spies interact, if both of them are evil. So what?

It’s not like he can tell us that the check is 100% false without losing us the game.

im merlin i already know you’re evil
just get it over with

So true bestie.
Anyway I want to be checked and confirmed if possible.
I know some might think me suspicious already