Forum Avalon - Resistance Win!

I would shut up and accept the fake a mafia would ‘greencheck’ a red mafia, be vocal whenever a mafia is suggested, hope that a certain mafia role that Merlin couldn’t see will fail the mission, at least admitting they are merlin and expose everyone else, he will be still protected.

That forces the mafia to hunt on the lovers…good luck with that.

Yes I am challenging the mafia who read this.

Too many people accepted that for that to have ever been a good thing, unfortunately. Bit weird that previous missions were hard rejected and then we had this green wave though

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Most likely.

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I think Kii is trustworthy enough for now.

the ebils are scheming

or they just like following me im a trendsetter

and that trend is losing somebody please become confirmed so i can stop this suffering

Anyway I’d like to be cop checked - It would make game theory easier. Maybe I’d actually be heard!

No knowing my luck people just start saying icet is evil for greenchecking me in the first place

Do u think the evil is you or kiiruma?

im watching u


oh boy i wonder what jarek is going to say

I think it’s likelier to be icet than kiiruma. From your perspective it really should be down to me or icet given we’re the two untested ones.

Like yeah I know what I was saying about N1 + 1 and not just blindly trusting N1 but lets read into why wolves all accepted this prop and adamantly refused to accept the previous one for just a second and you’ll understand where I’m coming from

Unless your W team is hazard/frost/leafia/marluna…

which doesn’t work because none of them were in this prop

The game might be more nuanced than this and I’m not about to blindly accuse icet for the entire game. We’ll see where this cop check goes.

naunce doesn’t exist it’s made up by the feds to catch you

childe do you feel vindicated about being missed out and then it failing? why do you think icet skipped you?

I’m not bothering world building yet I am just waiting for Icets result but apparently they want to slow down and wait for more discussiosn (cuz this game moving too fast :triumph:)