Forum Poker Interest Check

Ill play as long as i get to take forumers moneys

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i would play some poker

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in my friend group irl. i am known as a lucky poker player
One time did not look at my hand.
won with a 4 of a kind jack

it pisses my friends off cause they use fucking math to play the game like a bunch of nerds


traditional or holdem

Hold’em, fortunately for you, property-defender.

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holdem Ls for me rq


I think there’s a place to rely entirely on chance specifically in the case to intimidate everyone else at the table, since Poker’s built on skilful play. Usually everyone’s warranting risk versus reward, my card is this good and since everyone else is checking my bet I probably have the best cards, yada yada.

Somebody goes all in without looking at their cards and now you have to decide whether you’re happy with just a queen and a nine of hearts, it’s impossible to know whether it’s a bluff. However, it loses its punch if you keep on doing it with regularity; then you’re just playing far too loosely and you’ll lose all your chips.


Does this mean you’re interested?

there is significantly less punch to this in hold’em since every hand is either high card or two pair until the flop

it still holds true
you’re not going to fold on pocket aces

I think there’s a place to rely entirely on chance specifically in the case to intimidate everyone else at the table, since Poker’s built on skilful play. Usually everyone’s warranting risk versus reward, my card is this good and since everyone else is checking my bet I probably have the best cards, yada yada.

Somebody goes all in without looking at their cards and now you have to decide whether you’re happy with just a queen and a nine of hearts, it’s impossible to know whether it’s a bluff. However, it loses its punch if you keep on doing it with regularity; then you’re just playing far too loosely and you’ll lose all your chips.

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I’m referring to Hold’em. The only other form of Poker I’ve ever played is RE7 Blackjack, which doesn’t really apply here, and Luigi’s Poker.

Decline to comment. It’s difficult for a game to catch my interest.

you mean you’ve never played traditional poker?




I feel like I could be ok at poker but I don’t know how and I’m too scared to learn. I’ll play if somebody drags me in

I have not, no.

didn’t i forcefully beam the poker rulebook into your head

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the gameplay aspect is very easy to pickup. it’s the when to bet and how much to bet that’s difficult

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it has a good bit more strategy than hold’em
there’s no community cards
instead everyone gets 5 cards and everyone is allowed to trade in any number of cards for new ones, but only one time