Game 91 - (3/3 - Day 1)

Host: @Daeron
Day Phase: 2 Minutes
Night Phase: 2 Minutes
Majority Execution: Enabled
Plurality Execution: Enabled
Mandatory Execution: Disabled
Mandatory Factional Kill: Disabled
Self Voting: Enabled
Night Zero: Disabled

fuck I added day 1 to the brackets


@LanaDelRey factional ElizaThePsycho Amelia

The mafia factional kill can only be controlled in mafia chat.

@LanaDelRey VOTE: ElizaThePsycho

Invalid vote - please only vote an alive player.

@LanaDelRey factional ElizaThePsycho Daeron


I have no idea.

@LanaDelRey VOTE: ElizaThePsycho

Invalid vote - please only vote an alive player.

Hammer has been reached.
@ElizaThePsycho has died - they were a Mafia Infinite Vanilla.

As the Mafia have all died, Town has won the game. Congratulations:


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okay I fixed her unlocking threads

uh so an issue was that executing people wasn’t actually killing them


I see

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