[GAME THREAD 6/13] Risky Light Game: Featuring Rain - Day 4 - Mafia wonnered

I could’ve added more to this post but yeah just posting and reacting to every single little thing to try to make herself look “comfortable” in the thread.

Those were all my reasons that I stated.

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Voted Voters Votes
Professor Aelin, Frog 2/7
Magnus Trochilidae, Leafia 2/7
Leafia Illwei, thepigeonnyc 2/7
Not Voting clonedcheese, Squirrel2412, Gorta, EliThePsycho, Professor, Bradland, Magnus 7

– katze (does one VC and then goes to sleep, gamer host moment)

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good morning all.

why wouldn’t it be? i agree with what my predecessor said: everything game-related is AI. anyone should be expected to have to defend themselves with this sort of entrance.

yes, i did claim that. you said that you “could not give this game the justice that it deserves”, and the way you treated your vote implied that you had not heavily read through the thread prior to posting. a simple “in the meantime i’ll put my vote here” without even an agreement with the Leafia scum case- or your own reason for voting her told me that you hadn’t understood the wagon.

casting a vote on anyone other than the leading wagon would not have been blending in, as it is my point stands.

you did jump on a wagon wildly to vote Leafia. cloned’s reasoning is something i can follow. (at least he had justification).

i don’t understand the point you’re trying to make, please elaborate.

….excuse me? and how, pray tell, does a correct D1 yeet help them? why would you as Mafia be ruining your game by trying to accomplish your objective?

side note: our pet peeve is being read either way for something that is inherently NAI if you must have an explanation for your own side note.

[quote=“Magnus, post:129, topic:311”]

This is something to think about at least. Good morning too everyone.

Cloned does have a weird feel to him honestly but I’m not about to scumread him just for that. First, I need to figure out if it’s t!weird or w!weird.

As for Professor, I have a hunch I know who he is and if I’m correct, he’s probably just a villager here.

As for this post from Frog, I don’t think a wolf ever looks at the wagon on me and makes this post so I’m fine with adding him to my towncore.

Magnus sounds like he has a superiority complex related to the game, which is… interesting.


Fair enough. However, if your sole reason for voting me is your belief that I have TMI on Leafia, my explanation for my read and the justification of its strength is right here. I can’t prove that I am an authority on reading this player, however I think my presented knowledge of her psyche should be enough to demonstrate a decent understanding of her meta. Therefore what you might think is TMI is for me actually just another day at the office saving Leafia from being D1’ed once again.

This implies that my intention was to townread Leafia and yet allow her to die. Why did you make this assumption? Is it not clear from my posting that I have no intention of allowing her to be eliminated?

This worldbuilding is villagery, however, if you consider how likely it is Frog and I would decide at the start of the game to distance in an incredibly non-direct way by taking polarized stances on Leafia, you would probably come to the conclusion that this isn’t something likely to be deliberate… why not choose a more direct method, for instance?

Hmm. Illwei’s expectation for her post to be townread over Frog’s despite not thinking highly of her wolfgame is likely to come from a villager mindset as wolves don’t really expect their posts to be more villagery than villager posts concerning the same topic, especially ones who believe to be weaker. This read also holds if Frog is a wolf who Illwei believes is stronger than them.

Can you explain any of these you haven’t already?

Why did you choose to join this wagon? How much of the thread had you read at the time?

This was my initial thought, however I cannot come up with a reason for them to do this as a wolf either. It’s possible that as a wolf they would be more wary of the backlash for jumping on the top wagon without any prior justification.

If I remember correctly the last time Pigeon decided to push the angle of high posters being wolfy at the start of the game he was mafia (PYMM2), and I don’t recall him trying to push this angle anywhere else. It’s possible I am misremembering, however I am most likely not, and this is probably just a wolf.

This post is indicative of a guilty conscience. As town Pigeon tends to be more carefree and generally doesn’t understand the scumreads shoved in his direction. The problem with Pigeon’s prediction that he will be scumread here is that the only similarity between his and Magnus’ post is that they both have votes on Leafia. Pigeon justified his vote and yet he still expects to be scumread for it, when the reason why Magnus was scumread was because his post lacked any justification or solving. Why would Pigeon expect to be scumread simply for voting Leafia? Because he knows Leafia is a villager, and putting a villager at L-1 this early is wolfy.

/vote Pigeon @Host_Account_2
I ought to start a new post considering the length of this one.

Leafia doesn’t actually get D1’ed too often, from my recollection. However, the tone here is indicative of an overconfident villager.

Hi hello people

Very good analysis!

They are, indeed, vote justifications

Yes popping in like that is eyebrow-raising, but I would think it’s not scum AI in a vacuum. I wanted to throw as much shade as possible, to see if people would j go along with it or call me out on it.

More specifically, this:

I pulled this out of my ass
I dont think ive even played a game with scum pigeon, and if i have i cant remember

With that, lets see if anyone has taken my bait


Heres one that took the bait!

Saw someone else that was sussing Pigeon and just went for it

The full justification doesnt seem good either:

Very quick to back off and hedge under the slightest bit of pressure

I think we got one bois


Very good callout, only slightly undercut bu the fact that i was accusing them

Still willing to put in my v leans thought; the initial behavior is NAI for magnus iirc


Not entirely sure whether Trochi is this adamant about their reads as scum

Willing to put in “conf bias town” for now


Good callout as well of iffy behavior

The “idk if this is t or w” i think is emblematic of t!Leafia, so willing to let this live today

/vote BradLand @Host_Account_2

Caught scum dybudabu


Trochi be real with me here did you like this post for the analysis or for the dybudabu

i’m at work and thus liking posts i have the intent to respond to when i have the time. i’m afraid i don’t know what you mean by dybu dabu, but i will assume it’s a joke i don’t exactly remember.

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I think cloned/brad is either W/V or V/W
I’m not sure which side is which though

Idk why my brain is just screaming it while I’m reading these

Go sleep or smth

Take a break

Town innit

Town innit

Oi! Chut ya klappa ey! :P
I read your posts, I like your conspiracy theories, I do the same thing but then people ignore me. Asking if you’ve got any more spicy takes, not the old stuff. I want the new Kanye.

Also I’m top town, you can sheep me at end of day

Same tbh, playing around them both but not forgotten bruv luv

I know your name for certain, so if we didn’t play at MU, we played elsewhere. I play under a range of names so maybe not Frog, but I recognize you.

Is there any way I can ask you for reads based not on reasons but feelings? Cheers Gorta!

Thanks, this is what I’m looking for. I forgot what I was looking for but I think this is it??

So… do you have suspicion on Leafia?? What was that Leafia vote about?

Lol, you sassy Trochilidae

Not going to address this yet, remind me by end of day

He has a methodical style of describing information in the game imo



K yes but it’s the paranoia that’s villagery



Tldr; ‘I made a bad read, it was a trap!’
I dont think it was a bad read tbh

Not to mention, Pigeon is just as aware as the next guy of how common and easy it is to push Leafia over on Day 1.

Yesterday I was considering commenting on the manner in which Frog was limiting scumhunting to players who showed up at the start of the day and couldn’t come to a proper conclusion, so I decided not to comment. However, this somehow describes it perfectly. I thought it appeared surface-level wolfy, however the dedication to the process seemed to come from the mindset of someone who feels like they’ve caught onto something and thus feels villagery.

Do you not feel there was something different between the way Magnus’ and Pigeon voted? I think placing them in a group together of people you will vote without distinguishing between the actions and their implications is pretty reductionist.

The funny thing is, I genuinely think this is true. I’ve reliably caught Pigeon wolfing due to his guilty conscience which he often displays via these sarcastic messages. It’s pretty hard to distinguish between Cheese genuinely trying to do an RT here or trying to claim something he was wolfread for was an RT in order to play it off. I don’t mind the initial content, but the way he applauds everyone simply for calling him out, even when most of the accusations against him don’t concern the validity of his reasoning which is what he claimed to be looking for, doesn’t seem… real.

I agree. However, how come you called Leafia wolfy for hedging earlier?:

Why is this hedge not emblematc of t!Leafia, but the other one is?

Pretty sure this is correct. Though only in this circumstance, as they certainly are capable of distancing, However, if Leafia was also a wolf I’m certain they would take a more theatrical approach like they have previously as wolves together.

Magnus didn’t place you at L-1. Pigeon did. I doubt Leafia would intentionally try and push Magnus over Pigeon as a wolf, so her going for Magnus over Pigeon is likely NAI.

The irony of this post…

I’m gonna take a stab at what you mean by this. Are you thinking it could have been TMI that no wolves were voting her? That’s what it seemed like to me at first, but then I realized she probably just means one more, if wolves were already on her wagon.

Ironically, this is what makes Pigeon wolfier than Magnus to me. He clearly had read the thread, yet decided to only comment on one slot, which coincidentally happened to be a wolfread on the top wagon. This is then followed by a self-aware post indicative of a guilty conscience. Magnus’ post however clearly does not care how it comes across, nor did he care about justifying the vote - which I think makes it better.

Sigh. Elaborate, please.

This is… actually pretty wolfy, so maybe I was too quick to make a judgement on Magnus. This defence is commonly used by wolves trying to claim their posting wasn’t AI. One post and a vote is most certainly AI.

IIOA. However, the last statement provides an intention which probably makes it less wolfy. I don’t mind the rest of this post. Magnus does however say that he is not one to defend himself, but then concludes the post with a claim that it is a defence rather than a scumread. I’m… really not sure what to make of this. I guess I viberead it as villagery, because he would have had a more defined goal as a wolf: either to make a push or defend himself, rather than a mix of the two.

I had this thought earlier. I’ll townread it.

Since the second clause is correct, I’m inclined to believe you’re also correct about who I am.

My my, how long has it been since you played? You’ve clearly missed a lot…

At this point, I always expect to be scumread. As a matter of fact, you just proved my point! I have rarely played FM without being killed early on, Town or scum

Also, you aren’t the Ghana alt/you haven’t revealed your identity, have you?

Post 1:

That’s the correct format, though you may want to ping commando to make sure your vote doesn’t get missed.

This post feels different than how I remember leaf in the past two games we played together.

Quoting for future reference

I like this

Reminding myself to look at it later


I think this is wolfy on leaf’s part but I can’t articulate why atm

Replying to this post because that’s how caught up I am

This dismissal is textbook wolfy.

I’m tempted to townread this nonchalance.

Why do you expect to be scumread as a villager? I don’t remember you having many towngames… and in the one I do remember, you weren’t even mislynched.

GGhana… what. Have you been reading my posts? No, I am not a revealed alt.
Anyway, you replied to this post pretty quickly. Have you been lurking? If so, why not comment on any other happenings?

Except for that MU game that doesn’t count, the only time I wasn’t mislynched, I was vigged N2 by a N2+ vig. What game are you referring to?

No, I haven’t been reading much. I just opened the forums and saw this vote on me so I ft a need to comment

I made it as a bad read so lol

Cringe take imo
“Applauds everyone simply for calling [me] out” was not my intention and is a gross mischaracterization of my argument
The main fruit of my RT there was the scumread on Brad and Prof just… ignores that?
Brad/Prof w/w

…do you know nuance kind individual
One is a full analysis ending in “idk the conclusion lol” and the other is a wack read on a NAI post

Of course they’re different

Pretty sure i caught another scum here
Prof is taking way to much effort defending Brad; they wouldn’t have any reason to, unless someone was correctly accusing Brad for the correct reasons