[GAME THREAD 6/13] Risky Light Game: Featuring Rain - Day 4 - Mafia wonnered

I like this post a lot, while I think Leafia is hard to read this post does make me think you have some town points

do you mean based on reasons not feelings?

I don’t like Professor and I think Bradland has some town points

now now, funny story, I got distracted. I haven’t played much FM reliably in months. A few games here and there, but I have to fall back into habits

I really did have exactly 5 posts, but uh I don’t think it’s entirely necessary for people to list the number of posts they are on. You can always check your post count by clicking your own name and with good enough note keeping it shouldn’t be an issue

I’ll try to generate more reads over night, but for now I’m just going to vote professor

/vote Professor I simply don’t like this slot

I’ll give y’all more tomorrow, but just give me a bit of time to get back into the FM mindset

Good to know that I’m nothe only one that fund that post hilarious.

I figure right now would be a good time to let everyone know where my head is at too

Leafia readslist

clonedcheese: Towncore as his RT that potentially caught Brad just doesn’t seem like something a wolf would do. I feel that a wolf woul argue that either their read was real or not say anything about it while using t as an opportunity to Shade and/or start a Brad push. This is the member of my towncore that I’m the least confident on.

Frog: Towncore: His solving has a villagery feel to it that I honestly like but the thing that cements him as a member of my towncore is how he stopped the push on me that was obviously wolf motivated. It’s something I can’t see a wolf ever doing when the wolves obviously wanted me to get yeeted there.

BradLand: Null. I’m notoriously bad at reading this slot and I tend to think he’s a wolf in every game. This game I think I’ll wait for some flips before attempting to read his slot. That should make it easier I think.

Aelin : Hmmmm, townlean: Shw has a thought process that I find villagery but also hasn’t’t done that much in the thread from what I recall. Still willing to townlean her for now though.

Squirrel2412: Null: I don’t recall enough from him to make a read on him.

illwei: Slight scumlean. I don’t really like his explaination for his read on me, but I can potentially see it coming from a.villager. I do find the fact that he hasn’t done anything with his read on me strange though. I’m not sure what to think of him dropping his read on me either.

Leafia: The member of the towncore I’m most confident in being a villager. Call me wolfy if you want for not explaining why, but I’m feeling a bit too lazy to do so. She’s branded town so many times in a row now too that I’m starting to doubt that she’ll everrand wolf ever again.

Magnus: Scumread although never w/w with Pugeon. Hi vote on me seemed super opportunistic and his explaination for it seemed like a wolf thing to backpedal.

Gorta: Null. Hasn’t really done anything of note yet.

EliThePsycho: Null. I honestly don’t remember much of anything from him. Maybe due to concentrating on other slots.

Professor: Towncore dependent on if I’m right about his identity or not. If it’s who I think it is, then the way they’re acting is a way they never act as a wolf and he’s very good at reading me.

thepigeonnyc: Scumread but never w/w with Magnus: The other one who almost got me yeeted. His posts have been terrible if he’s a villager and from past game with him, I know he’s capable of much better if he’s villager. Saying that, I feel that he’s squarely in his wolfmeta right now.

Trochilidae: Very slight wolf lean. On the surface their posts look fine but something just seems off about them that I can’t quite explain and it’s weirding me out. Like they’re trying a bit too hard to appeal to everyone without it seeming like they’re doing so. I couldhinestly see this flipping either way.

That being said, there’s a very slim chance that Magnus and Pigeon are both villagers so don’t just assume that the other one has to be a wolf if one of them flips villager.

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And this honestly have a slightly villagery feel to them that I honestly like. I just feel like a wolf would be more concerned with survival here and not care who they are voting. Although there’s a possibility of Magnus/Brad being w/w as well, so it doesn’t improve how I see him too much.

After Gorta’s recent posting, I’m willing to townlean him. It just sounded to me tha he’s eager to get to solving an just has a villagery feel to him that I like and his explaination makes a lot of sense.

Voted Voters Votes
Professor Aelin, Gorta 2/7
Magnus Trochilidae, Leafia, Thepigeonnyc 3/7
Thepigeonnyc Professor, Frog 2/7
Bradland Clonedcheese, Illwei 2/7
Clonedcheese Magnus 1/7
Not Voting EliThePsycho, Bradland, Squirrel2412 3

– Insanity

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But you aren’t taking up space in the thread until you’ve posted something. This would apply if the player had other posts which were mostly fluff, however, if the intention were to appear to be doing something I think they would have waited for a time more desirable when they could leave a lasting impact.
Likewise, there’s a difference between being carefree and not caring about where you place your vote. What Magnus did is more of the latter, and I don’t know why he would want to portray this to the thread as a wolf.

Unrelated to the above thoughts, the way Trochilidae is playing does not seem particularly natural. It feels like they have a checklist of things they feel obliged to do methodically rather than playing by discovery.

This does not look like someone trying to solve the game. It looks like someone trying to meet a criteria of what is expected of them.

Currently I think clonedcheese, thepigeonnyc and Trochilidae are the three players most likely to flip wolf. I am fine with killing any of these.

I saw someone complaining about wallposts, and just thought I would say that the reason behind it is to conserve postcount, however with the time remaining and how many posts I have left I suppose I can afford to make some lower volume posts. Will finish catching up in a series of posts.

Narcissism time

This one isn’t really a valid argument if you know me
The arguments in my very first post (pre-“copout” if you will) were all uncharacteristically flimsy

This is a valid but wrong criticism

I did not misread, but just went “oh your brain is screaming something? go take a break lol”

it was a joke and it’s absurd that someone tries to force a scumread out of it

in what way?

yeah the point is I cant read ppl so i need to resort to these kind of things

My definition of a “bad read” is “one with either none or bogus evidence”

My first post pretty much that, and I purposely made it so

Furthermore, trying to read a player off of one post that they made, especially to the point of trying to execute them over it, is an inherently scummy move that attempts to kill LHF.

That’s the portion of “slightly undercut by the fact that i was accusing them”
If that callout had come from anyone else I think I would’ve townleaned them instantly, but magnus doing it gives me pause
I felt it was town frustration though, hence why i decided to put them in my v leans; may I ask why you thought it was wolfy?

:clap: Activity :clap: is :clap: never :clap: alignment :clap: indicative :clap:
You realize that the “bait” post was my next post right?
I wrote the eyebrow post and went to sleep :confused:

The rest of your reads is just about my playstyle which
Not sure what you’re calling “seeming solvey” and “minimal commentary” when in every (ok, most) post I provided analyses on all the posts I quoted

This is a post a wolf makes about a partner. The problem is I don’t think Magnus is a wolf…

I don’t think anyone is making this association. If anything, I want to say you two are unlikely to both be wolves given that Pigeon would be more concerned following his wolf partner onto a wagon already at L-2 at that point of the game.

I am… mildly offended by this. I think you would find that the depth of my analysis exceeds that of most players in the game, if you actually take the time to read my posts. I think my posts are notably different to Trochilidae’s, who is actually playing as you describe here - mainly pointing out things others are doing and what they are going to do.

I had this thought, but after seeing Pigeon say he didn’t know the votecount, it’s possible they could be wolves together. I don’t think Pigeon would try to buss Magnus here though, when he has free pickings between me and BradLand if they are a villager, possibly also cheese.

My progression was extremely clear. Around the time I posted my readlist I started doubting my read because, like you pointed out, I don’t think cheese received enough pressure to warrant spinning his stance on pigeon around into a “reaction test”.

Do you feel like playing the game today?

And this was the last we saw of cloned. No response to my post asking how on Earth those two posts could be interpreted as a defence of BradLand.

You are actually extremely forgettable, despite being a prominent poster as you say. That’s part of the issue.

This was what I was looking for. Pigeon decided Frog was wolfier than Magnus - this is clear from how he decided to list his Frog read here but not Magnus, and yet voted/left his vote on Magnus rather than moving to Frog. I don’t think this is impossible to come from villager Pigeon, but the discrepancy is naturally wolfy.

Everything in this segment is wrong except for Pigeon being a wolf. Probably.
I permit the bus.

Impeccable timing.

Mind responding to this?

Uh, how exactly does this work?

Absurd… right, but is it wolfy or villagery? You never thought to comment on what doing this said for my alignment, even though your phrasing would seem as though you would want to call it wolfy. Why is that?

Kind of curious what makes you think that Pigeon and Magnus could be w/w here since I don’t see it. Maybe you could explain that possibility to me.

Also, it’s close enough to EoD that I don’t really think it’s that important to conserve my posts any more since the 50 post per day thing will be lifted an hour before EoD.

That was a glorious game tbh, one of my all-time favorite!!! I re-read it every once in a while still :)

So I obviously do have hesitations about this in particular but there are probably a few factors that play into how my approach is here. So something I try to do is avoid confirmation bias and give some benefit of the doubt, because my goal isn’t to call everyone scum and stay stuck in tunnels. There’s also the fact that I’m unfamiliar with pretty much everyone here and getting a better handle on players takes a bit of priority for me at this stage. So, yeah, I’ll see what ClonedCheese responded with later.

Uhhhhh, I mean, sure? I don’t know lol It’s kind of hard to self-analyze. There was a point about a year and a half ago where I was normally getting killed N1 / N2 - then I took a break for maybe 6 months, came back, and then I was making it to late game. So that’s kind of an easier metric to go by that isn’t dependent on my own reads. (i.e. people used to think I was good, now people think I’m not as good)

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Actually, I’ve reversed my read on cloned. I’m not going to say why.

/vote Magnus @Host_Account_2

This is a little bit too information instead of analysis, but for you in particular it was the reactionary indignance, whereas wolfy authority is more of agenda based assertiveness. Kind of like ‘how dare you’, vs ‘I’m taking the reigns of the ship now’?

I was saying since Pigeon didn’t know the votecount, the fact they both piled on you probably doesn’t mean they can’t be W/W. However, the fact Pigeon is going after Magnus when there are villager wagons which he could just as easily jump on makes me think they aren’t W/W.

Well, you have 7 posts left for 5 more hours so if I were you I’d still try to limit it to a post every hour if you want to be able to keep up with everything.


care to explain why?

still need to catch up on non-me related posts