[Game Thread - ENDGAME 2/17] The 'Supa Mario' Sorcerer17 - Mafia Wins

uh yes this game has been going for several hours and you have been there for all of them I expect you to have more than zero thoughts :joy_cat:

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have you considered the possibility that this is an issue with your playstyle






thanks for listniing


Arete, I have been there for thousands of posts and not had a single read at times and that’s even before I took a break, you think too highly off me

arctic’s “0 context” post was outta pocket but i think it’s villagery
leafia is a leafeon


Arete, I can’t tell if you’re trying to piss me off or not now or still be mildly annoying, but I’d appreciate it if you just didn’t do either when I’m trying to be serious and not toxic, thanks.

i agre wth this

oh no that one was a completely 100 percent serious suggestion (that applies regardless of your alignment)

(this is not a read)


vulgard is not playing in a way that a wolf who is set out to try and ML me is

he has me as kind of a casual scumread in a way I kind of village read because it doesn’t feel like he’s acknowledged how difficult I am to actually miselim, which makes me think he’s actually stating wolfreads on me because they are genuine.

this is kind of countered by the fact this setup has a lot of town KP so he may be trying to make me look worse if wolf for that reason but it still feels early enough in the day that I don’t think that would be on his mind if mafia

I don’t know what happened while I was gone, but clearly you’ve turned into a dick in that time so I’m just going to ignore you for the rest of the game.

Like I said, sorry I don’t play to your ideal standards, your fucking majesty

Leaving thread and going bed

Jesus wazza

Oh come on, don’t Jesus me when Arete is clearly being a dick to me, I didn’t even say anything bad

hi all. just checking in, won’t be around till later today.

planning to take it easy this game hopefully, pls no bully


I’m not being a dick, I think that ‘if the only way you have to make your alignment obvious is to be toxic or ATE a lot that reflects an issue with your playstyle and you should consider modifying your playstyle somewhat’ is both true and not-a-dickish-thing-to-say

I was hoping this game would be somewhat lighthearted but never-mind.


I want to make it clear right now in thread that I will give wazza 0 cred for being toxic (and everyone else should as well) and if that is her goal regardless of alignment to please stop because that makes the game less fun for everyone :)

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That’s called a joke, that’s why there was a literal wowee there.

I will concede that probably posting this meme was slightly rude and I’m sorry if you took offense