[Game Thread - ENDGAME 2/17] The 'Supa Mario' Sorcerer17 - Mafia Wins

Yes there is. You could kill town PR’s and strong townread players in the blast

also what was Marshal even going on about about not responding to anything scumreading her

catching up on the first 200 ish posts

i think leafia village reading cloned when cloned was under pressure from vulgard and in my opinion not actually being villagery makes me think these two are unlikely to be w/w
specifically if leafia is a wolf i think she is TMI’ing cloned, and if cloned is a wolf i don’t think leafia would risk defending him like this as a partner

oh god
why does my first thought from backreading have to be a preflip

this uh
even though i can’t really trace the thought process here as to why leafia finds this wolfy, it matches her classic early game absurd reads she tends to have as a villager. plus generally i find a pretty good way to read leafia is by how much she’s pushing agenda and how much she’s trying to please people rather than by the traceability of her thoughts

this is starting to look like a leafia iso but their posts really just stick out like a sore thumb lmao
in the last game leafia and atlas played together atlas fakeclaimed on day 1 as a villager, so leafia still thinking being performative and fakeclaiming is wolf indicative for atlas is a pretty big concern
the problem is if she’s mafia, she didn’t really plan on actually pushing atlas with this read; i mean she gave the reasoning after someone asked and didn’t really do anything else with it
this means nothing if both of them are wolves, but in an atlas v world here i would generally expect wolf leafia to either 1. appeal to atlas or 2. come out guns blazing with a vote, not somewhere in the middle

the paranoia to me didn’t feel entirely real
it may just be because whenever i see someone mention talking post-game from my experience it often comes from villagers and so i didn’t have the same worry, but i still wouldn’t village read it

this post feels villagery but im not sure i can explain why
in a different respect, if arete thinks that wazza is just making it more obvious whether atlas is the sorcerer or not by questioning him, then wolf arete probably would want to allow this to continue instead of distracting wazza
obviously this is dependent on how confident arete was at this stage on what atlas’ role is, or means nothing if atlas/arete are w/w but it exists

if atlas isn’t hard to read, why would you risk discussing his claim with him (and if he’s a villager, potentially outting whether or not he is the sorcerer) when you could figure out his alignment in a number of other ways? i dont really get why you’d take this approach with a villager, especially with how insistent you often are that these things shouldn’t be discussed given the amount of times you try to shut claiming situations down:

moving on

what was villagery about this

what would wolf arete do instead

intentions are related to alignment
this feels like an intentional backtrack

Ita not lmao, why tf would he get shot

Brad feels a bit pockety

My pfp was something else lmao

Get one then

What is your read on me if you know I have posts?

Why is this quote from cloned genuinely villagery to me

I’m also ignoring 3very arete wazza post I’m sorry it’s just very tiring to read

Do not feel like scumreading this for my sanity (otherwise I dont rly hate Marshal tbh)

Kiiruma open post not terrible

1 at most 2 if u wanna reach

So many unalignes

I’m town so idc tho

This way of solving is super towny imo


Openwolf is

An alignment

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Vul is trying extremely hard this game

Dunno what this means, but I’m pointing it out

good take from arete
i think the way cloned had the expectation he would start tunneling vulgard after vulgard brought up how cloned hadn’t commented on him almost feels as though cloned wants to intentionally conform to the expectation that he must tunnel vulgard rather than it being genuine
the problem is, and i don’t know why this just popped into my head, but i remember in clown fiesta 2 i think where cob hadn’t done his trust-tell of whatever it was, and he started doing it after someone pointed out he wasn’t, yet he still flipped villager. so i think this read has the potential to be pretty dangerous

i dont think so
if you think about what this actually does, it does not at all help us to kill a wolf and it does not at all help us until we have killed a wolf
therefore it is not doing anything to advance our wincon right now
i think town vulgard would uses his resources more appropriately
his response to me earlier was kind of villagery though

Sup nerds

I woke up way too early and im here now

Oh that’s why nobodys here

in fact i think this is the perfect approach for wolf vulgard to take
he’s known for his accurate anti-aligned reads, he’s good at them
he can expect to be readily sheeped on most of them
therefore it’s perfectly viable for him to force various ones (i’ll make a judgement on the fluidity of how he arrived at each of these reads once i’ve actually caught up, this is just a hypothetical) in order to make his teammates seem unaligned, all while not actually helping to get the first wolf killed and by the time the first wolf is killed these anti-aligned reads would be firmly set in stone among the thread consensus, allowing for an easy win from there

it is doing stuff to advance our wincon

the wincon is to defeat mafia, and vulgard looking at aligns is doing exactly that

in the case where a wolf flips, it is helpful and just ebcause one ahsnt yet doesnt mean vulgard is being antitown

i dont see the “not progressing wincon here” its unique and it is doing that more than u think it is

it’s not being anti-town but that’s not the point i’m making
my point is that it isn’t helping us, because it doesn’t help until we actually get a wolf flip. which this form of solving isnt helping to achieve

Basically arc is saying “it doesn’t help us d1, he should focus on d1”


yeah im not following sorry

the town wincondition is to kill the wolves
what vulgard is doing only helps us if we have killed wolves
therefore alone it is not helping us to achieve our wincondition
and in the event that not a single wolf has flipped before lylo, it would have gone the entire game without helping us

the town wincon is to kill the wolves yes

unaligning people based off of that literally finds wolves lmao

just be good at mafia and find the wolves lul