[Game Thread] Morbtainado - Morbfia EPIC win

Hmm. Squid does not strike me as the criminal mastermind type, so the best type to be a criminal mastermind!

I think Zorvo is for sure leaping, strange or not, at the moment. Why is v!Pigeon push on Eliza strange? V tends to have a broader line of play options to make sense so I don’t understand where you get ‘strange’ this early from a v line of questioning. I can think of very little I’d think of as strange as v early day 1 in a mountainous game. Walk me through it.

as for your wolf range, sure you strike me as the type who doesn’t get their whole team pinned down day one very quickly. Although I guess if Zorvo is the n1 kill I might have to get a pitch fork lol

Actually @Magnus let’s put your psychology to use. I have liked misty pretty well so far, but something they said pinged me and I’d like to get your thoughts on it. At some point she said that her day one reads aren’t to be taken that seriously. I feel like this is self-defeating from a villager perspective who is currently voting on me, because what does she hope to gain in terms of resolving me? You are voting for me, so you should be wanting something from me either my death or some reaction to sort. But all she does by saying ‘early reads meh’ like she did is to give me an easy out not to care.

What is your read into this?

Zorvo’s been defending Leafia most of this game, despite not having a read on her (as I gathered from this interaction):

I don’t know Zorvo, so I’ve tied his alignment to Leafia’s for simplicity’s sake.
I already townlean Mist, although she would make a perfect deep-cover wolf at this moment in time, so I’m keeping my cards open.

I missed this during my first scroll. I don’t know why this is the case.

Mist townread Leafia, instead of leaving her as a null vote. It’s not a strong interaction, since a number of players townread her, but it’s noteworthy.

Pigeon, as everyone knows by now, had that not-so-subtle push on Leafia.

As for you… it’s purely because of the Leafia flip-flop vote, which… I’m realising now I shouldn’t give much credence to.

Mist’s vote’s on me though.

Slight correction same sentiment: I am currently one of her three most suspected.

Actually everything I said applies even when voting you too, come on don’t be like that x)

i don’t want you to care if you’re a villager because you seemed upset by my push so i wanted you to not focus on it

apo was wasting posts while leafia was under heavy pressure

w/ a postcap that apo was like, ~50% to at that point iirc it didn’t seem reasonable from a thread control perspective

anyway gnight

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yes what but if I am an evil wolf who is manipulating you

(also not that you need to take this seriously but if that sounds upset to you I promise you really have a bad read on my tone)

then i’ll uhh

keep reading you and figure it out? idk what you expect

(and you didnt seem particularly upset just it was something that was sticking with you idk words im tired)

Following up and noticing how people interact with me and taking mental notes to examine as the game progresses to check for flaws in logical consistency x)

misty: votes achro
achro: town
misty: explains
achro: yeah stll town
misty: you seem bothered

I … don’t think wolves tend to have problems taking a town read so ??? but it is so strange lol x)

Assuming Mist’s read applies to this.

Referring to this.

Hmm. The only advantage I could see from Mist’s perspective is resolving Apo’s alignment, as if you’re powerwolfing as she thinks you’d be w/t. Which just means there are better targets, imo.

That was to Jaiden actually ;o

the read in question

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Seems like Mist’s response was a spur-of-a-moment suspicion, and that’s why Mist doesn’t claim to have much stock in the read.

This could make sense.

Remind me who has wolf equity for you other than Leafia in wolf Leafia worlds? In V ones it seems you put stock in simple interactions (not wrong by definition, but straight forward) of hard push being bad and hard defense being good.

But in that world (very simplified) it means suspicion should also fall on you. Do you believe the quality of your push should be taken as town even if you are wrong? You are more substantive than pigeon, is that a defining difference to you in v leafia worlds?


In worlds where Leafia rolled Mafia, Zorvo is likely another evil. I haven’t written up a third suspect yet.

In worlds where Leafia rolled villager, I should be a suspect. I shouldn’t be excluded simply because I’m speaking well, or any factors as such. In worlds where I’m Mafia, or even worlds where I’m Town, everyone will need to investigate me anyway, same as everyone’s investigating everyone, and letting anyone off the hook in a Mountainous game is a terrible decision to make.

Most of my spreadsheet is still blank, and as the game goes forward I’ll fill it out more. I’m pretty sure Pigeon’s good in both Leafia worlds, actually.

Coyldn’thg sleep an DC honestly, I feel a bit better about Magnus after this assessment post. It seems yo me that he inderstand a.c me better than I thought h we’d did so I feel fine about doing this.

VOTE: Pigeon @Host_Account_1

I’m seeing many of the same things about Pigeon that min is honestly.

Furthermore, the way Pigeon just sheeped Magnus like that just rubs me the wrong way.

I don’t.

Compare this

To this. Someone forgot what a three and four look like I think. Giggles

I’d say don’t immediantly execute him, but do put him in the PoE at the very least if he isn’t already there st the time.

Yeah. Town!Squid is a possibility. Misunderstandings do happen after all, and a scum/Squid world just seems too easy. It just gives me weird vibes to think we could’ve causlght a wolf this early on in the game. It just doesn’t feel real.

I mean, no one has really stepped up to defend Squid at all. I know not everyone has posted though which might be the reason why, but it just doesn’t feel like it is.

Yeah. I’m actually feeling a lot better about Magnus honestly.

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It’s the exact same way my mind works.

AEST, or AEDT during daylight savings. It’s 4:19pm rn.

Understood and thanks. 2:22 A.M for me in the Eastern time zone so you’re 14 hours ahead of me I believe.

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I am going to laugh if Leafia correctly sorted Magnus because Magnus with all of the psychology just plain ass forgot the number of wolves.

I want to BELIEVE. I dont know the context of that four wolf comment but lol

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