Let me make this very clear.
You guys aren’t aligned.
I’m kind of getting that sense too and the wagon on him remaining stagnant kind of points to him possibly being town if you ask me.
Sends some town points Pigeon’s way
Somewhat villagery popin.
Hmmm, it seems here like min is trying to defend May without actually looking like he’s defending him.
Definitely something to think about. Could you explain exactly what you meant to accomplish with this post min?
Good night.
I’m up for that. Will likely give good wagonomics.
VOTE: May @Host_Account_1
We will.
Bro I was the first to like push the damn dude other then maybe Mist.
You accuse me of being wolf with Leafia and now with Pigeon.
Dude just fucking say you wolf read me and fucking vote me.
I think your scum pulling shit out of your ass, your read on me seems fake af.
So vote me if your honestly legit about it.
idt i really like the may wagon
pigeon’s vote seems super fake
Go read my ISO.
Allot is explained in there and done in there.
Also why TF is May a big wagon, they haven’t done much and their slot wasn’t even brought up that much, the wagon came from nowhere.
I understand pressure but this is more then that from what I can see.
Can someone run that down for me, why exactly is that a wagon?
A Top Wagon.
i am no longer being held hostage
iso time
you know i don’t really see what you’re seeing, achro
i mean, yeah, he skips the topic of leafia, but their thing on pigeon is actually quite reasonable
I don’t like the wagon either.
I don’t see how Pigeon is worse then Magnus vote.
I don’t directly think either vote is directly bad by reasoning, but I don’t like the vote on may in general.
If you believe Pigeon and I are unaligned, why would you scumread us both?
Please stop getting emotional, and you’re wilfully misrepresenting my post. I’m not accusing you of anything. I’m saying it’s a possibility. In any case, I wouldn’t vote you alone when I could instead vote alongside other players and actually be helpful.

Keep in mind I am the only one voting May, she’s not even a wagon I just saw her lack of content and she is the only one on the Pigeon wagon who hasn’t been posting much now that min is starting to check in so I thought it was a good place to explore.
Pigeon is at 5 votes already when it’s 8 to swing, so I feel like a vote for pigeon is a vote for praying to god pigeon is wolf and little else.

I dont think may shoukd leap to suspect people agreeing with her if town. I also think she should post more. Think of this as multi purpose poking.

If you believe Pigeon and I are unaligned, why would you scumread us both?
I think you both are equally as wolfy, but I also think only 1 of you is a wolf.
If you looked at the reads I made you should be able to put 2 and 2 together

I wouldn’t vote you alone when I could instead vote alongside other players and actually be helpful.
This is a mock post, I don’t like you.
You might not be directly saying it but your trying to apply and gain the goods because your “being helpful” and trying to say I’m not because I’m voting you.
Unfortunately for your lack of noticing, you were a wagon at one point and nothing stops it all from coming back.

Please stop getting emotional
I’m not emotional, I just don’t play those games.