[Game Thread] Morbtainado - Morbfia EPIC win

Eliza is proposing the coward’s choice. Not always a bad idea.

Ergh i liked magnus a lot at points today. Can someone iso quick if magnus re evaled zorvo after i called him out?

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Yeah, I’d agree; I don’t want to vote Magnus, because honestly I’m a little bit set in my ways at this point, but I think at least having a possibility of a Magnus wagon is a good thing. I also agree with Pigeon’s partners being on him early. When the wagon first formed, I almost shifted my vote off Pigeon and onto one of his voters, but I thought that would be a little… excessive, in terms of suspecting people who follow my vote. I want to at least give the impression that I’m making points I legitimately stand by.

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you say you’ve done a little isoing and yet

Epitau flashwagon, anyone?

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my point exactly

Sure, why the hell not VOTE: Epitau


Epitau flashwagon

VOTE: epitau

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im not opposed to a flash wagon

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I townread Magnus so I’m perfectly happy to VOTE: epitau

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VOTE: epitau

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I am vibing with people being willing to do this tbh. Feels townsiding compared to before.

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looool that is very quick

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I think the worst vote on epitau has been Pigeon’s blatant “I am doing this to survive” tbh

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It is called a flash wagon



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What kanave said

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based wagon?

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Wolf motiviated?

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My wagonomics on this is crying out in pain


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i sure hope not, considering i’m the one who started it