[Game Thread] Morbtainado - Morbfia EPIC win

Probably when I was wolf.

I know this is a reachy team solve, but Magnus/Squid/Eliza.

But I only have Eliza because of Squid and Magnus.

you vastly overestimate how much stock i put in my early reads

So is that a tell then?

My bad my brain deadass only works when It gets pinged by things

Here Iā€™ll make it more visible.

You either respond to this or Iā€™ll make sure everyone knows your freezing on response.

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Whenever your ready though and back, no rush, just donā€™t forget to respond when you come back.

Possibly, just one of the first things I see in thread when I come back from sleep is you still talking about me.

Zorvo is right that is a really reachy solve but I like the suspicious of Magnus from a v perspective because I mindmeld with that.

VOTE: Magnus

I want Magnus to apply those psychology tests to v perspectives tbh. I could literally, right now, make a wolf psychology case on anyone who has posted any amount of content in this thread based of of ā€˜psychologyā€™ but why would I do that when there are only three wolves to find lol. It is much more effective to give a lot of leeway early for people because rand v is simply much more likely than rand w.

This could just be an aggressive solve style but I donā€™t like it because even as v itā€™s just going to be messy so letā€™s make sure we correct Magnusā€™ solving early if he is v so we can all be happy together.

@min any other big thoughts in general? I canā€™t say I get the perspective of not reading into things, but any thing will help my sorting ;o

I think pigeon is prob a wolf. Lots of his posts fmpov are riddled with agenda

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Yeah. Going to give Seth here a townlean. Iā€™m pretty good at reading him after all. Mistā€™s reaction towards my push is something I find slightly weird, but I donā€™t know if itā€™s in a villagery kind or wolfy kind of weird.

My read on Achromatic is honestly flipflopping a bit. One minute heā€™ll say something I find villagery and the next heā€™ll say something that I find wolfy. Then back to villagery again. Itā€™s kind of creeping me out a bit to be honest. Then again, Iā€™ve only been in one game with him and he does seem similar to how he was in it here. Said game is still ongoing, but heā€™s a dead villager in it.

Hmmm, tough to say but I do tend to care more about looking like a villager as a wolf Iā€™ve noticed. When a wolf, Iā€™ll do anything if I think itā€™ll get me towncred and I tend to try to stay clear of things that lose me that towncred. When a villager, all I care about is being listened to and trusted. Iā€™m much less worried about how I actually look so Iā€™m more likely to go for questionable plays.

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Interesting! Can you quote a couple for me? Have you caught wolf pigeon in the past early? I feel like others have been eyeing the pigeon, but I forget who now and a quick scroll made it hard to find.

Going to call it a night now, so good night everyone. :sleepingleafeon:

Iā€™d somewhat agree but I donā€™t like Magnus here RN and want them to respond to the post I made on them.

I feel like they could be trying to manipulate a back to back Pigeon (-) Leafia ML with Squid and lead them into Night 2 already being in a perfect position at that point.
I know itā€™s a reach but thatā€™s the vibe Iā€™m getting.

Like all of these posts donā€™t even look like he believes the reads he is saying

The post on jaiden is overconfident for the content heā€™s calling wolfy, he actively is fueling the many inaccurate reads on leafia when he knows better and has played with her enough to know leafias scumrange is more than ā€œshe gets defensiveā€, the third post is simply just blatantly self aware in a wolfy way, and the last one is literally not a post anyone makes and again poses with the confidence he has. It simply just gives me the impression he has agenda and is pushing villagers (or even his scummates) regardless he just doesnā€™t seem to even believe his posts


I can see all of this. Have you played with pigeon enough as town to note this is different from their own town range?

I disappeared for an hour because I was walking back homeā€¦ -_-

First of all, my bad. I must have misread Mistā€™s post, because I wasnā€™t under the impression that Pigeon and Eliza were being linked, whichā€¦ Iā€™m not actually sure how I came to that realisation. In any case, I was utterly certain I was right, and Iā€™ve only now realised the extent of my error. My mistake, my bad, Iā€™m sorry, now Iā€™m moving on because I donā€™t think itā€™s a big deal.

Town has the advantage playing both proactively and reactively; the more posts attributed to one player, the more information we have regarding them, the more we can accurately determine their alignment and train of thought. This is the reason why minimal posters are an annoyance for the Town to identify, as thereā€™s less data involving them. This is another reason why certain Mafia wolves prefer to post as minimally as possible without appearing suspicious, so Town investigate each other instead and reach the wrong conclusions.

Alternatively, Mafia wolves may post as regularly as a Town member would, hoping to appear villagery. I donā€™t need to explain this science in-depth, itā€™s just so weā€™re on the same page.

In worlds where Leafia is a villager, sheā€™s posting early to increase the number of posts attributed to her, without particularly minding whether sheā€™s seen as Town or Mafia. Iā€™ll jump to a latest post to explain Leafiaā€™s claim, which will make sense later.

Thereā€™s more to this than meets the eye: in actuality, I tend to function under a similar modus operandi, so I understand how this works.
When Leafia rolls Town, she knows sheā€™s a villager and doesnā€™t expect to have to justify herself every minute of the day. She doesnā€™t reflect on the wording of her posts. Ultimately, Leafia doesnā€™t reexamine her behaviour in order to appear like a villager, when instead she can read posts, share her thoughts, and help win the game.
When Leafia rolls Mafia, the script is reversed. Suddenly, having all eyes on her isnā€™t going to win the game, and she suddenly needs to reexamine her behaviour to act as a villager would. She might distance from suspicious wolves for the sake of appearing more good, as an example. The question is whether her posts appear natural or unnatural, and Iā€™m writing this current report under the assumption sheā€™s good.

Leafiaā€™s still in the ā€œRQP (Random Questions Phase)ā€ mindset, which can be seen by her surprise here.

Leafiaā€™s initially defensive, because she doesnā€™t particularly feel the need to defend herself as a Townie. She doesnā€™t tunnel Apo for the read and backs off, since sheā€™s trying to help catch Mafia and tunnelling on someone might prove adverse.

As said earlier, inactivity is the bane of all social deduction. I pinged Epitau myself earlier, because these players need to be brought online for everyone to interact with. It wasnā€™t Leafiaā€™s fault I wasnā€™t online. Iā€™m not sure she knows my timezone.

Leafiaā€™s providing reads and doesnā€™t freak out at a vote, although sheā€™s quite clearly alluding to her meta here. Leafiaā€™s known for having acted suspicious before, and therefore she expects to be left alone because itā€™s in her character.

I personally disagree with this statement, but okay. You can feel jittery while playing as Mafia while still having fun.

I donā€™t get this response to Mayā€™s vote. This would suggest Leafia scumreads May, and yet she seems to suspect Pigeon, myself and sometimes Achromatic as well. There are only four wolves.

(To Pigeon.)

(About Achro.)
If Leafia is Town, I would towncore Zorvo and Mist, with Pigeon and Achromatic as likely suspects. Eliza would be a townlean.
First person down. Started writing this post 40 minutes ago, geez.

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Now you can restate your opinion on Squid as your opinion on them to me looked like you were trying to make stuff up to make Squid Seem better then they are.

I donā€™t like this.
Because again it goes to the Squid Partner (Leafia + Pigeon ML) Theory.

If Magnus is a wolf they are scary. That was some good flipped perspective analysis for Leafia.

Can you go into your v leafia read tree? What post stood out in v!leafia world for those four people?