[Game Thread] Morbtainado - Morbfia EPIC win

Definitely not the worst of ideas I think.

Why? I’m in bed too currently. I blame how comfy my bed is.

idk shooting Achro feels like its prolly unlikely to hit a wolf, but gmaesaving if it does

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True. Very unlikely to hit a wolf I think.

because i didnt sleep so i wont process information unless its incredibly loud

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Strong “Let’s cop check n1 and Seer Check n2 Achro after he mauled a wolf d1” from last game vibes in the topic right now.

At least wait until I start cackling to get suspicious.


Ah. That isn’t good. You should get somevsleep once day ends.

Yeah. There’s definitely better shots than you.

i will try !
anyways back to trying to function at all

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Good and okay. Good luck on being able to get some sleep too.


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only wolves sleep, vote: leafia

this time i did it wrong on purpose


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Anyway I decided to just vote counts at 250/500/750/1000 yesterday as ‘close enough’ analysis of wagons for now.


Magnus (2): Leafia, Mistyx
Jaiden (2): Achromatic, thepigeonnyc
Achromatic (1): Jaiden
Leafia (1): May


Magnus (4): Mistyx, Jaiden, Zorvo, Achromatic
thepigeonnyc (3): May, min, Leafia
Leafia (1): thepigeonnyc


thepigeonnyc (4): May, min, Mistyx, Jaiden
May (4): Achromatic, thepigeonnyc, Magnus, Leafia
Magnus (2): Zorvo, PoisonedSquid


thepigeonnyc (6): May, min, Mistyx, Jaiden, Magnus, Apocryphal
Magnus (4): Zorvo, PoisonedSquid, ElizaThePsycho, Leafia
May (2): Achromatic, thepigeonnyc

Magnus has consistently been a wagon since basically the jump. Given just how many different people have poked him it FEELS unlikely to be a wolf tbh. This doesn’t account for the epitau flash but given my feelings on Magnus/May/Epitau atm it doesn’t feel like, unless a wagon snuck in there somewhere, like wolves would have had a major reason to pile onto Pigeon.

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VOTE: ElizaThePsycho

Very slow end of days feel bad, but also I don’t know what other move there is to make. I am guessing that noon on a Sunday in general is a really poor time for there to be an EoD given the many activities people usually get up to today.

I am around for if anyone wants to pick my brain, I am just finishing my flavor for a game I am hosting!

im around for a bit, might not be here at EoD exactly though :pensive:

help have i missed something

you being town: You come off as extremely pure and unaware of basic wolf things
must see tv: It is a common belief among the topic that if you are town you will be given the gun the wolves hand out tomorrow because you are a low activity poster who may not read a lot and therefore make a poor choice on who to fire at.

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