GOAT^2 - Game Thread (5/15) - Day 6 - Mafia wonnered


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You know, I can see that being true because Marl townread me very easily this game when I think heā€™s normally more paranoid and heā€™s defending Magnus based on thin reasons.

Iā€™d definitely consider this if Iā€™m right on Magnus.


:popcorn: Iā€™m not entirely sure what youā€™re thinking of me, Vul. Youā€™ve made it clear that you think Iā€™m wrong for weak reasons, but nothing more than that.

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I think youā€™re mafia but Iā€™m giving you space in case youā€™re town and Iā€™m wrong.

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How confident are you on that read? Would you bet on it?

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do not call me a ā€œnerdā€

No, actually, that is not me. I am not an emoji- nor do I resemble one- I am a human. Also, who are you to tell me what I look like when, in fact, you have never seen me nor likely never will? All that aside, itā€™s clear that you are trying to insult me by calling me a ā€œnerdā€ (as depicted by the emoji you have sent). I rather take your ā€œinsultā€ as a compliment, as calling me a ā€œnerdā€, a word often used to mock smarter people, implies that I am more intelligent and have a larger vocabulary than you. Next time you disagree, I recommend you try to come up with an actual argument, or at least prepare yourself one for when necessary. Additionally, before you proceed with sending me a clown emoji (admitting defeat), just understand that you would be further praising me, as a clown is someone who is entertaining and usually considered humorous by the spectators. Furthermore, you would also be implying that I, employed by a business to perform as a clown, have a profession. So, not only are you implying that I am smart, you are also implying that I am funny and have a job, which, judging by; your lack of proper arguments your usage of childish and overused internet humor the amount of spare time you have to brainwash yourself 12 hours per day with social media culture; you are neither intelligent, comedic, or employed. Enjoy allowing yourself to continue on through life as such, as I believe with full confidence that you lack the decency to better your ruined self for the real world. Carry on and have a pleasant day.


So true bestie


town for trying to make money off of an unsuspecting individual


You arenā€™t right on Magnus :joy_cat:

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I donā€™t do bets.

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wolf ebcause marluxion isnt crying yet he is unbothered such is the way of mafia


nvm he is crying dude is town


this game is so easy and all of you are STUPID and CRINGE

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Also I donā€™t wanna be that guy but the instant Brad froze and tried to play a townread he gave off as a joke he became basically lock w


First question stands.

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good one i forgot brad existed
letā€™s kill him

VOTE: BradlLand

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Ah yes, nothing useful
(disclaimer I found this while reading vulā€™s post but still)

Quoting this cuz it marks the start of my marl quotes

Simultaneously wolfy & townie mindset
Townie: Waiting to post more so they can see if their read is good or not
Wolfy: I was gonna say that itā€™s wolfy cuz wolves are concerned with appearance but thatā€™s stupid here. But it is also wolfy because he could be waiting for Silviu to post more so that he can
Okay itā€™s just mildly townie mindset

I actually like this tbh

Not sure how they got to this conclusion tho

Anyways the rest of the quotes is marl confbiasing so

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VOTE: BradLand

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Wow that was dumb

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Probably my most confident read right now next to the tr on May.

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