GOAT^2 - Game Thread (5/15) - Day 6 - Mafia wonnered

N1: MD on Zorvo - no movement
N2: doc on molly
N3: tracked Vulgard - no movement
N4: MD on Illwei - there was movement (Illwei was NK’d)
N5: doc on YBW

it easy to fake, yes
but it’s hard to think of faking, if that makes sense

btw @YoubutWorse our masonry is back on

okay so vul at the very least isnt roleblocker

yeah ok


I’ve been scum in a game that was almost forum mafia and I literally just sequestered off the concept of being evil from my mind (except for brief periods during the night phases to decide on fakeclaims and use our role). Super easy to think of saying that when you don’t know you’re scum either. I recognize that this is not the way most people do it though lmao

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I was honestly thinking about not claiming at all
since you were widely TR’d anyway and I wasn’t going to be NK’d anytime soon

that couldve been the play
again if u left me enough time I was gonna get bored and claim JOAT myself so

i was worried about this tho bc I didnt know the nk (assumed it would be me but still) or if I had been RBd any night

Alright, so given Lemon is telling the truth (which, like, the only reason she has to lie is a reaction test, and we’ll know if that’s true by the time Molly comes around), I know it’s not me, Lemon, or YBW, meaning I know the scum are within Brad/Molly/Vulgard. Time to begin my analysis anew with that in mind, I suppose.

Significantly narrows the possibility space down to Brad/Molly, Molly/Vulgard, Brad/Vulgard. Easy stuff. Mindset of scum yesterday will probably be the quickest to spot, since there’s fewer people? The right answer for them there… hmm. Wait, I just remembered that the votes meant that I had concluded there was probably a wolf in Lemon and Brad, and that probably still holds - I’ll send this post and go investigate that further I think.

Anyway affirmations for me upon destruction of my reads I do not play the being wrong online game solely to be right and sometimes we have bad reads and that’s fine I will not die because I miscleared one or both of Molly or Brad being wrong land is a beautiful wonderful place that I live in every day and I do not have to completely destroy my reads either the associative tells I noticed before the construction of Lemon/Vulgard are still valid and this isn’t a start from square one because I didn’t completely tunnel myself in on that singular world (<— LYING) and everything is fine mafia is a game about winning the game not my ego and this hit is something my solves can easily recover from in the context of this singular game and will benefit from in the long term because I can learn from this. So cool

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I say that being wrong is the best teacher even in the context of a single game, too. This game was so down to the wire that me pushing an incorrect Lemon/Vulgard world is bound to get scum on board, especially because they don’t know Lemon is JOAT. I was specifically saying that I’d execute Lemon first, which is perfect for any team within the remaining potential scum FMPOV to jump on and go yeah, great idea May, do this immediately, SO true.

I’m pretty sure Brad was doing exactly this. Of course, Vulgard was being accused, so he wouldn’t have the ability to encourage my ramblings, and Molly wasn’t really around a ton and also was publicly thinking I was scum. Brad… was really the only one other than Magnus who was playing doubt about how that day phase would turn out. I should’ve seen it, but he was talking about Wordle… I love Wordle. Hell on earth betrayal (unless it’s Vulgard/Molly but that would be fucked).

No Brad W means the Silviu, Marl, and KingTroll wagons were all pure and that both scum didn’t vote during EoD3. Now, I try not to work off of contextless votecounts, because wolves do bizarre shit all the time, and you’ve gotta understand the full context to get what’s going on, but… god that would be unprecedented levels of weird.

Thanks to a combination of Brad’s behavior yesterday and those vote counts, Molly/Vulgard is pretty discounted as a possibility in my mind? And Vulgard calling out Molly’s “perfect reads”, and so on. I’m pretty confident in concluding that, as I said earlier, that would be fucked. I suppose it’s time to deep dive into each other possibility, then.

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I guess May does look townier now that she isn’t stuck on a me/Vulgard world :wowee:

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what’s funny is May was saying YBW would be NK’d because YBW was the most townread and that’s partly why I doc’d YBW (because I was scumreading May)

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my gut here says molly is town
maybe kill Brad

level 0 thoughts

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Yaaay I’m playing the mafia game right now even if my reads sucked previously I’m bouncing back woooo let’s hear it for ACCEPTING BEING WRONG and NOT JUST EXPLODING AND SHUTTING DOWN THE COMPUTER this is mental torment for me but if I don’t keep going then I’ll never have a chance to be right ever.

Presuming Brad scum (and checking within my future Vulgard and Molly ISOs that will be happening for partnership with him for any evidence to the contrary, but it’s a safe assumption for now), Brad’s attitudes toward the game should be telling about like, what the vibe with the wolfteam was. Let’s begin, then.

Initial interaction between Brad and Vulgard

Correct read

Correct read

Throwing shade on a townie, but following up with a distance from it. First incorrect read of the thing, and it’s an interaction that connects him with Vulgard.

Three town [FMPOV]

A weird thing to say, honestly - it’s an unnecessary connection, but he knows it’s an unnecessary connection, but, but, but… What I think of this will depend on the kinds of patterns we see in the rest of this iso - how much Brad is willing to interact with scumbuddies, whether he’s dancing around Molly or not, etc.

The way this is worded betrays a certain

Undue focus on Vulgard continues. Undue focus isn’t necessarily indicative of partnership - it depends on the people interacting - but it’s certainly something to look for, and I think it might be

Correct read

Five town. Brad’s certainly confident in the quality of his townreads if this is how he’s trying to mimic them, I suppose. Well, not really, 15-player game, only 2 scum for him to potentially put in there, shut up I’m trying to quip to get myself through this

Continued undue focus! Mutual this time, even though I haven’t started reading Vulgard.

Have either Brad or Vulgard recently been caught as scum because they didn’t sufficiently interact with their partners? Is this

Would like to maintain that I can fake redchecks because I’m cute and epic and town about it and I’ve never been wrong online [lying voice] and now that Brad’s suuuper scum this has been double proven because everyone knows scum never tell the truth

Correct read. Brad doesn’t seem adverse to being right… and I think that kind of behavior would point to being pretty neutral on his scumbuddies, I think? I’m not even necessarily saying this because I think it’s Vulgard - he hasn’t interacted with Molly at all yet - but like… you don’t want to look like you have TMI, so you don’t hard push your buddies. Of course, he’s also not provided a single scumread yet, just some shade, so it’s not really… applicable, I guess. Easy to be right when it’s all townreads.

First interaction with Molly!! Let’s go!!! So here we’ve got the dichotomy of townlean on Molly, actively neutral read on Vulgard.

Eight town in Vulgard world, seven town and one wolf in Molly one. Zero commentary on O kazo so far.

I promise I didn’t cheat and look ahead, it just so happened that the very next post after I said that “no commentary on O kazo” talked about him. This is a wolfy thing to say! I should have caught this! It’s wolfy! He commentates on his (presumed) buddy in the same breath as a townie, VERY loudly places them on even levels, talks about how “Wagons should stay on the both of them” as like… a recommendation, a general statement, passive voice.

Catching “O kazo’s been focused on scumreading Vulgard specifically”. Undue focus? :eyes:? Undue focus?

KT helping me out from beyond the grave. Sorry for scumreading and killing you, KT, that is my fault for immediately associating “people who play the game like me but better are scum if they don’t immediately die” which is a pattern I place undue focus on in my OWN mind because I feel so owned when I get pocketed by someone.

Drawing! Focus! To Vulgard! So much focus! On Vulgard! Stop fucking talking about Vulgard! Don’t actually though it’s helping me wolfread you.

I am a clown and a fool. Brad. Brad this is so wolfy. Brad. Please. I’ve gone from “if Lemon is doing a reaction test I will explode and die” to “if Lemon is doing a reaction test I will thank her profusely because I should’ve fucking noticed how wolfy Brad is”. Not that I think Lemon is doing a reaction test.

I’m going to pause here, at EoD1, and say that there is a ton of Brad/Vulgard undue focus which shouldn’t have fuckin slipped my mind. I should’ve picked up on this. Whatever. From this iso, Brad/Vulgard is my top world, but I haven’t read anything else from any other person or any other day - I haven’t even read Vulgard and I’m seeing it from his end.

What I’m going to do here is get my head out of the past to reread the last day phase with Brad/Vulgard in mind, and see if that makes any sense. I already kinda suspected that it was those two over Brad/Molly because if Molly were wolf, I’d expect to see… more hedging from her over Magnus? Maybe? But she’d already been sussed for TMI, so I don’t know if that holds. Let’s find out!


Once I got a baseball stat wrong on a post I put a decent amount of effort into and it was so fucking embarrassing for me that I had to like, remove the concept of baseball from my life altogether for about THREE DAYS I had to hide all group chats and servers related to it I had to remove the MLB app from my phone because I could not bear the thought of being reminded of when I was publicly wrong to about thirty people, maybe five of whom noticed. I play mafia in large part to give myself an environment to be wrong and learn to better cope with this instinct of mine

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This is May characterization. This is my backstory & lore

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Only reason I haven’t placed a vote yet for Brad is just due diligence about wanting Molly to have come around first, BTW

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Nevermind actually I cant be trusted to read any more words for the rest of time and Im becoming an illiterate medieval peasant I hope youall can support me on this journey because in the time it took for me to process and then correctly process this phrase all my coworkers in the office of my mind staged an intervention and they say I cant read anymore. Nto allowd. Goodbye

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