GOAT^2 - Game Thread (5/15) - Day 6 - Mafia wonnered

I’m kind of convinced tbh

I don’t want to be tunneled again so I’m trying to keep an open view of the game but I’m probably most convinced of this world so far

I think between them we should still flip may first mainly bc of how may treated O.kazo (which honestly we shoudlv epushed them for earlier looking at it again)

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yeah, I do think May has been individually scummier

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That was for the bit also unfortunately won’t be around for another few hours

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It’s not me and I don’t think it’s Molly at this rate pls look at Brad/Vulgard thanks bye

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Why don’t you think its molly?

I did
and I came out with the conclusion that they’re not aligned

can you run me through what you see?

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I’m not fully here, I can go through earlier days later, but I want to highlight one thing. This argument doesn’t really stand on its own as refuting me/Molly, but it does show you why I think it’s Brad/Vulgard from my point of view.

Yesterday there were three people placing or encouraging trust of Magnus and therefore suspicion on you. Magnus and I, who were both being accused by you and Vulgard as a scumteam and who townread almost everyone else in the game, and Brad, who came in during the middle of the phase to vaguely encourage me.

He was doing that on purpose.

The wolves knew that Magnus would flip V, and they wanted to have a ML lined up afterward, but they couldn’t reveal that they knew Magnus would flip town. My pushing of you, mostly accidentally, provided the perfect bait for them to try to put something through after the Magnus vote. All they had to do was to make sure I maintained that suspicion through the next day.

Molly’s attitudes toward my Lemon/Vulgard world don’t reflect how I think a wolf would approach it at all. They sound exactly like a villager who’s genuinely convinced the townie being voted is a wolf. She had suspected you in earlier days and could have easily pushed me toward it in any number of subtle ways, but she didn’t.

Brad? He came in during the middle of the night, encouraged my nausea-inducing indecision, played “oh but Magnus is townie”, and then hammered Magnus, in a way that made it very clear he wanted that suspicion to continue into the next day.

There’s a difference between how my suspects handled the idea as well. Lemon continually argued against it, pushed suspicion onto me directly in response, and genuinely seemed like she wanted to fight the concept, which I interpreted as being defensive scum, but I was wrong. Vulgard, meanwhile, was… significantly less enthusiastic about it (he literally just said “lol”), and I think that’s because I kept saying I wanted Lemon out first, how I’d kill Lemon if Magnus was a villager, that sort of thing. He knew Lemon was a misvote and was perfectly happy with me suspecting her as long as it was in conjunction with him.

I solve in a way that I think is pretty different than how most mafia players do it, and therefore I tend to be much more swingy, pushing cases I immediately change my mind on, flipping my readlists entirely over between phases, coming up with a bunch of contradictory theories and going for information votes to decide which to pursue. There’s a reason for that - I played like, a dozen longform mafia games on a Discord server of friends almost completely cut off from any other forum mafia community, so I developed my own style of play before I even encountered most of the typical terminology and methods most people use.

I know I tend to be more convincing when I approach things from the way others do it, and t what I’ve done above isn’t that. Once I get home, I can make a case that’s more Normal. Just… keep in mind that “villagery” doesn’t mean “solves like me” and “wolfy” doesn’t mean “solves in a way I don’t understand”. I was misvoted in Flicker for having progression others didn’t understand, and I’d like to think I’ve learned from that and can present my reads in a more digestible manner, but you all have to play a part in it as well. You can go read that game, if you want - I went from having a wolf in my top TRs and the rest good-to-neutral D2 to suddenly suspecting all three in conjunction with each other D3 because I recontextualized their actions upon a town flip.

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No I just thought your posts spoke for themselves and didn’t feel like I needed to say any more
If I felt like I needed to directly argue with them then I would have

I literally defended her the entire time since the Eliza flip
I was saying lol because your posts about her and me were ???

I will say that idk what he was doing there but ultimately I think you’re a wolf and I think he’s not paired with you so

I think most of this specifically is when Illwei was in the game and she went from townreading Molly to wanting a wagon on Molly.

Sure but I thought about your actions from a town perspective and your entire treatment of Magnus yesterday makes no sense so that doesn’t work as an explanation even if you’re an unorthodox player

It’s eevee tier logic (you probably won’t get that reference actually but maybe someone will) except in this case it was never going to help town so it was just posturing imo

So you just threw your Molly read away entirely because you wanted to sheep Illwei’s read over keeping yours?

Yes, Illwei is very good.

There’s a list of players that I’d flat out just listen to if they’re cleared and try harding in the game. Illwei is one of them.

Damn, guys, I guess I’m not town after all. It’s a shame, I was under the impression this entire game that it was the case, but I suppose that was just another area in which I was wrong, because Vulgard thought about it

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What a shame, you did good though. Your wiml to try as mafia is significantly higher than what I would have.

Some people just have the power. :+1: :muscle:

You’re not evaluating anyone, you came in here pushing a specific world and stayed with that specific world
You have not talked about Molly whatsoever
You suddenly wolfread Brad now even though I had the same townread on him for the entire game and you never had a problem with it

This part specifically is blatantly wrong and you should know this, I was defending her from you because I thought you were trying to get her MLed and that hasn’t changed since yesterday, I was doing the opposite of letting you suspect her

This is factually wrong by the way.

I voted Silviu because he spent most of his Day 1 with a bunch of soapbox speeches towards people instead of solving.
His one solve post had 1 strong townread and a bunch of hedge, “maybe they’re town, maybe they’re not”, reads.

There’s a word for it but I can’t think of it for the life of me right now.

I mean, I am the mafia now, so that does mean we’re on a team together. You don’t have to lie to me anymore. Pretty lucky break to land with Vulgard, who has powers of deduction so great that he can just manifest a teammate out of nowhere.

Vulgard, I literally came into the thread today pushing Lemon and you together and then Lemon provided information that disproved my theory and meant that it had to be two out of the three of you, Lemon, and Brad, meaning at least one of my townreads was wrong. Of course I dropped one!

And even if I wasn’t forced to, dropping a townread is still a perfectly natural thing to do - someone changed their fucking mind in MyLo, who woulda thunk. My townread on Brad was based largely on two things: how the people I suspected pushed him (treatment by people I wolfread, who have since flipped town), and the meta that others had mentioned (where they said he tended to be lower-effort as wolf). Both things were void by yesterday, which is why I asked Magnus to help me evaluate Brad (or provide content that would help me assess partnerships, if they flipped wolf), and while I accepted their read at face value yesterday because I thought I had the wolfteam already, having that disproven changed! my mind! My mind changed! I re-evaluated!

And I have talked about Molly, I’ve been townreading her for days and I’ve explained why I still believe that to be the case!!! The people I had her partnered with flipped town!!! She didn’t react to my Lemon/Vulgard world in a way that made me feel she was wolf!!! The progression of her wolfread on me and treatment of the rest of the game has felt natural!!!

You’re simultaneously trying to sus me for “not re-evaluating” and for changing my mind on Brad, talk about blatantly wrong, and yes you verbally defended Lemon, but you didn’t do so in a way that specifically refuted my suspicion. You didn’t cite anything to say you were unaligned, you didn’t get defensive, you just continued going “I TR Lemon” in a way that felt low-effort. It was the bare minimum. I’m going to stop wasting my time trying to prove my towniness to people who know of it already and go back into the iso mines.

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