GOAT^2 - Game Thread (5/15) - Day 6 - Mafia wonnered

But… teehee funnie



Town can never lie

Which is why I claim joat and wolves will believe me

why may is a wolf: a non-omgus reason for voting may

ooo i get to defend myself this is so cool. title is a joke i’m not going to vote may

honestly understand this 100% i get what you’re saying. can’t really defend my jokes so you’ll have to trust that i have the same horrid sense of mafia humor as town or wolf

it’s more of a ‘yeah this statement will be relevant later’ bookmark that i can use when i self-iso myself later out of vanity. posts and relationships i think will have more weight later on in the game than singular posts i’m willing to make full reads on

you got it sure

things lol has said that i think have been ai

lol tunneling into the post counts after they were first brought up and continuously saying how frivolous they are strikes townie vibes pretty obviously. a wolf would absolutely be trying to make town waste posts on bad topics yeah but lol has just been working it as a joke

on the other hand not getting full use out of your vote is kinda :skull:. bit scummy

yeah lol is also in the rvs phase and i respect that because i too am in the rvs phase but saying that he’s done nothing ai is kinda weird which is why i brought that up towards silv

eh. bit of a stretch i’m mostly using it as a way to get my brain cracking on people. no one’s really stuck out to me so i’m just going to keep doing random isos until i find something i can actually hook onto. also i realized i haven’t made any substance of my own to actually talk to people about lmao

i would like to do more substantial catch-up posts but we will have to wait to day 2 at the earliest. only a five hundred post game

true though


okay this is your first statement in your push against me that genuinely has triggered an alarm. no if i lie and put someone i townread in my scum poe and someone from my scum poe into my townreads then, as follows

this is my stated intent by not putting my townreads on display d1. but if i put an actual wolf i’m scumreading into my townreads and i die then i will be dead with a wolf in my townreads

this is true though

in my personal opinion reaction tests are actually scummy as hell to pull out. you’re depending on someone’s reaction to a mechanical decision and arbitrarily deciding if you want to push them or not by their reaction. it’s simply an easier scumplay than smoke and mirroring a case and you can use it to ‘clear’ a maf buddy

fair. there are some games and scenarios where lying as town has benefits but i am simply not going to do it d1

wagon may guys don’t read the details just sheep me


I have nothing else for you rn captain, return to your duties


Further questioning may be required when I’m not in bed trying to sleep


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That…defense from Troll might be towny.

Seeing random stuff like explaining the “interesting” post as a self reminder if he searches himself Ew and spots that for future reference sounds like a town mindset, although it’s just a theory post, revealing it is a nice thing to have.
Also the clearing as to why he’s not stating his townreads or why mine was cringe is good as well.

Would like to see what his solving looks like whenever he gets around to it, but for now for his defense I will put a townlean on him.


ugghhh i’m actually going to have to play the game and not just surf huh. sad okay

For the record, my opinion on lying as town (that it’s cool and based and fun) was stated, expressed, and proven extensively in the last game I played (Flicker). I townread someone, decided to start a wagon on them for fun anyway, saw that it built too quickly for such a weak case, and then used that to flip my read on them and catch two of their bussing partners (both of whom I had both previously townread). I proceeded to not be believed and eventually got voted out, but hey, you win some, you lose some.


I mean, reading your explanations, I could try to trust the process and leave you alone Day 1 in regards to that.

Just gonna have to step in if I see something I’m not a fan of, but I’m not going to be obnoxious about it or anything.

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I’ve realized that expressing my passion for pushing bad suspicions as a reaction test just after posting my case on KingTroll was a mistake, but I promise this is a real case that I actually believe and KingTroll is my #1 suspicion right now. Does anyone besides Brad have opinions on it?

& BTW if any of you pointedly avoid responding to this because you don’t want me to analyze your reaction that’s a wolftell



Every single one of you is a wolf [this is a joke I’m not that impatient I prommy]



They did.
Lying isn’t AI for May but lying is AI for @min
Min wAs a lying wolf.

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Crap I forgot my post number



aren’t supposed to be saying that part out loud I was going to look at who was ignoring it…


Okay I guess? Doesn’t this literally not matter, though, because wolves will be PR hunting regardless?


I just made a long post only to uh

Delete it because I was thinking of something different

Anyway I don’t agree with your case tbh. It seems like you find him wolfy because of things I feel the average person does in mafia games (quotewalls, randomly isoing people)

None of that is wolfy. Quotewalls are very common especially on mobile, and there are many examples of people randomly deciding to iso someone

Although if I’m misrepping something in your case feel free to dumb it down for me so I can understand if



Using meta for things that are very malleable (such as lying) is almost never a good idea. Someone who actively plays mafia can and will change their meta so lying isn’t ai anymore

Most of the “lies” I told weren’t even “lies” and were misunderstandings anyway

Just like, a tip


I got that from lol but not from KT.

This metaphor reminds me of Litten’s helicopter read in Starship Epiphron, and Litten was a wolf. The entire read feels really forced to me, and the posts afterward strike me as performative. That said, I feel like some of this is intentional baiting so I’m not going to read too much into it.

KT’s reaction to the post is weird, because he agrees with the parts that are about his actual content, but disagrees with the parts where May talks about how people should play the game, which is like… okay, that’s not the actual substance of the case and moreso something May believes about mafia as a whole. Finding those beliefs suspicious but the forced (imo) case not suspicious feels like he doesn’t even care about the case itself and just wanted to argue about principles, which is… towny, I guess?

I had a townread on both of these slots independently before this whole casing thing happened so I’m honestly not sure what to make of it, especially since now that they’ve both admitted they like lying on day 1 I don’t know how much I should weigh what they said just now vs what I was reading them town for before. Still thinking they’re probably both town?


i’ve never played it, i’ve heard it’s cool but i never find the motivation for long form games like that :(

yeah sure, i can explain my vote, all you have to do is ask

it was for these two, they both came off as varying amounts of wolfily empty

the first was like, lol, you’re saying water is wet. looking around the room, i don’t think anyone here actually needed you to tell them that? just looks like standard fake helpfulness.

the second one was the bigger reason. you talked a long, long time about zorvo and eliza, but none of it was alignment related, and the worse part is that the advice you gave each of them had the attitude of assuming they were town. like, you’re telling zorvo how to be more threatening to wolves, and you’re telling eliza how not to get ml’ed, even though you haven’t expressed a townread (or read at all) on either. the troll read goes similarly nowhere, but it isn’t the same kind of borderline tmiey.

i’m looking through some of your later posts, and they’re better in the sense that there are actual game thoughts, but i’m not getting the sene that you actually… care? about the greater mystery, like you only started solving once you sat yourself down and made yourself, and even then it feels like the reads are a bit checklisty/obligatory, like how you brought up a bunch of people and events you had nothing to say about in your readlist. (i think the points in this paragraph are relatively weak and am not putting a lot of weight in them.)

idk none of these things are damning to me on their own, but for the stretch of time until your list it feels like you’re taking in and processing a lot of good, useful information, and it’s just inspiring… nothing in you. reading through that would get most villagers thinking, just by virtue of not knowing. they wouldn’t need to “turn on” their solving mode or anything, because it’s… not a mode.

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