GOAT^2 - Game Thread (5/15) - Day 6 - Mafia wonnered

complain about lack of content
even say that mafia could be lowposting
2 lhf get wagoned

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I didnā€™t acknowledge the RP part, thatā€™s your problem here, or what?

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am back

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Why is okazo being voted

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no, I have to show other people that Iā€™ve been thinking
otherwise I would be mistaken for a potato with wings

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ok, I can accept this


backreading time
since no one is here

(Iā€™d probably still choose to backread even if people are here though)

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hi lemon

okay game is getting interesting actually this is good

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hi Troll

how was your day?

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conversations are so awkward
or I just make them that way

ok, Iā€™ll stop fluffing up the thread

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ā€¦Noā€¦ the other part that I wrote about is my ā€˜problemā€¦ā€™
You just donā€™t have any game-relevant content outside of a tone-related wolfread on me which you didnā€™t even explain. I opened your ISO in Flicker and you have plenty of reads there, although they are all underexplained. Still, at least they exist.

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itā€™s gone well so far how has your day gone :)

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And I told you that my reads were based on other playerā€™s reaction to my D1 act at D1.

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did you even have a read on me?
what did you judge me as?

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Donā€™t know.

The biggest reason I saw that Zorvo want me dead.

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I just got up like an hour ago
itā€™s been good so far I guess

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yeah understandable. going to watch some mbh and then get cracking


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I tend to use genuineness to help form reads so while I can handle 1 person doing this if I already know thatā€™s part of their playstyle, I would be very lost if most of town started lying all over the place.