GOAT^2 - Game Thread (5/15) - Day 6 - Mafia wonnered

first post i’m not going to like out of principle B)


okay cool thank you. do you have anything you want to bring up in particular or are you pretty settled yourself rn

Seth literally how do you even come to your conclusions

This is so unbelievably out there that it doesn’t even remotely track in my point of view

It’s like you’re playing geoguessr and you see a strand of grass and go “yes we are definitely in Jamaica, this is Jamaican grass” when in actuality you’re in Saudi Arabia

Do you have a bunch of prewritten madlibs that you just fill the names on and post them or something


Magnus has been fighting with Vul the entire game, the two are literally never partnered imo

I’m ok with either Silviu or O. Kazo dying today. I’d also say I’m okay with Brad dying but I think it’s more of a coin flip because his absence could genuinely be NAI (like it was in HTF).

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If Brad is mafia then lolme I guess but HTF was a thing.

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why are you calling out zorvo for this when that’s been my read for the entire game. are you that addicted to discrediting zorvo that you’ll assign a read i’ve been pushing you don’t like to him

Now’s probably a good time to say I don’t particularly townread Marl at the moment.


Actually, probably a bad time, probably should have let him think he’s universally townread because people tend to be bolder and more informative when they do, but in my defense, I just woke up.


alright that’s a fair enough poe. towny that you’re not going to push someone purely for absence

In regards to Silviu your recent comments have made me a bit worried that I’m basically letting Marl push over a free ML by not going in harder on O. Kazo but I don’t think it’s that damaging because I assume I’ll get my way on O. Kazo either way by doing it like this and if he’s right then I can just call him town for sure and we’re one wolf down, two if I’m also right.

Idk if you’re parsing this but it makes sense to me.

no i think i understand. i think you’ve convinced me enough that you’re not my primary target rn as much as i don’t agree with some of your logic it does make sense from your pov. i’ll just hope o. kazo makes some more posts but i think my vote’s going to end up on either kazo or marl at eod

potential mind pair is molly/marl btw if one of them flips red i wouldn’t be surprised if the other did. do not ask me for context

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confirmed town:

town, neutral, and slight scumreads on:

people who i’m either neutral or have decent scumreads on:

people who should die first

oh sick there’s a build poll option? how do i use this

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actually i happened to end up checking postcounts and this ended up being marl’s 147th, 148th, and 149th so they only have one left until eod. i am going to go find something i posted earlier

to a T

VOTE: Marluxion

see you probably getting angy at me at eod pallio (edited to show what i’m using the quote for)

Okay voting out Marl just as he only has one post left is REALLY funny and I can’t resist it VOTE: Marluxion


Who’s the post-counting clown now!!!



I am very lucky I noticed that I hit 149.

I almost capped myself off without even realizing it.

I’m going to give my thoughts on every single player more or less in case I either die at night (now looking much less likely thanks Vul) or if I end up dying at EoD.

I will not be here to change my vote in the hour before EoD. If for some reason I’m still awake I want you to kill me because that means I was so obsessed over this game that I stayed up 5 extra hours


Vulgard is town. His entitlement and the entire way he is going about handling me since suspecting me and his entire treatment of Magnus makes him literally always a villager here. I’m just going to bet the game on this here and now. If you kill Vulgard after I’m dead I will probably post a gif of gintoki pointing and laughing at you when the game ends or you get to dvc.

Zorvo is unfortunately probably also town. He is doing literally one for one the exact same shit he was doing in kaguya. It’s nothing like Valorant FM. He’s just town.

Magnus I THINK is town but it’s probably not a good reason and if you decide to kill him that’s a respectable play. He’s been mostly echoing other thoughts since his initial vulgard push and I haven’t really been that impressed since. The initial push on vulgard is very bold imo but it could just be refuge in audacity here.

Molly has quite a bit more substance than they did in kaguya but I also townread them super easily there. I have liked her posts so far though especially wrt Silviu.

KingTroll I think might literally just be Seth² and is readable much along the same ways. Him bluntly saying the “oh do you really dislike Seth that much so you want call me out on having the same reason” thing he just did felt a bit brazen to come from scum.

May I liked early and I can’t for the life of me even remember why.

Eliza the same. She vibed well while in thread but having seen her wolf that’s probably not good enough.

Brads response to lemonfairys catch-up was decent and SOMETHING to townread him for, irrelevant of Lemons actual alignment. Other than that he hasn’t done much of anything. Force him to find scum and if he doesn’t thunderdome a wolf by eod4 he should probably die.

Min I think a lot of people are going to townread but I’m not thinking I will. His response to me was emotional - but it was emotional towards me not having something he seemed factual information right, not a response to me thinking he was a wolf.

Lol has vibed well in thread and feels very similar to kaguya. If he’s pushing agenda it’s probably only partnered with Brad. I don’t get his Brad townread and usually lols reads all check out in my brain.

Okazo literally doesn’t exist and has more posts about him than he even has in the thread. If he isnt a JOAT, he should be dead by eod3 at the latest if this keeps up. I do think he’s a coin flip though, but it might be one we have to take.

YBW is probably scum. I haven’t seen a good reason for her gigantic attitude shift and her reads especially wrt vulgard stink. Her saying she “wants to prove she’s funny” doesn’t really add up. No jokes since then Lil clown friend.

Silviu I think should die for similar reasons to okazo but also some of his posts just stink. His Eliza stuff stands out like a sore thumb and idc if it’s antispew or if he’s trying to get her mld or what. He’s… Probably just a little more likely than a coin flip to be scum. I’m not 100% confident.

Lemonfairys catch-up post felt a little stiff but also straight to the point. Relatively easy to fake though. Would probably drop her into my PoE at this point if she wasn’t there already. I wouldn’t vote here today though probably.

(List relatively ordered from towniest to scummiest but also some outliers like lol and lemonfairy I just didn’t remember until I got to them. Both should be higher than they are.)

With That Being Done

Remember scummies, if you take a shot at the crown you best not miss. If you don’t kill me today I’m gonna come back and destroy you tomorrow.

Sayonara space cowboys.