GOAT^2 - Game Thread (5/15) - Day 6 - Mafia wonnered

[quote=“May, post:1396, topic:3353”]
Pattern 1

Brad had me as top town before i even did anything
this was pre me arguing with min

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that first post is NOT AN ACTUAL THOUGHT I HAD
I was giving min an example of what i meant when i said agenda might be happening but we just dont see it

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he was literally a coin flip
we have players do what okazo did ALL THE TIME on FOL and flip town
people ML gorta for it every single game he plays

He is just a coin flip that we won

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the fuck? @Magnus
how did you go from this to


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that was just after i started checking in today and arguing with brad

how does me not having posted yet today (everyone here knows my sleep schedule by now) overwrite all of my posts yesterday? it’s like you saw me catching up and just didn’t want to be run over by me now that i was actually in thread

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I was happy with you having a wagon for pressure reasons, but I never wanted you executed today. Seems fairly straightforward to me.

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there is basically no difference
if you are okay with a wagon on someone you are okay with them dying

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wagons do not generate pressure themselves it is the thread of death that generates the pressure

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You’ll find that most evils are uncomfortable enough with the sword hanging over their head, even if they don’t believe they’re in danger.

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completely takes okazo out of viability temporarily

but knew okazo was wolf?

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on that note @lol why did you drop that line of thinking?

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you just abandoned that line of thinking entirely and instead opted to sheep a vote on me, someone you have no read on apparently

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catchup which is mostly me just tunneling marl


hard agree with brad here.

if both main wagons d1 were maf it means the third maf is absolutely someone overconfident about their powerwolfing skills lmao

molly towny and just throwing their name out as a potential cw without a reason is absolutely not a good look chief


call it my bias but i’m not convinced. heavily pocketed by ybw and i won’t regret it postgame if they flip wolf. few things in here i agree with like

yeah if ybw does flip red this would be true. do like that it’s capped off with a scumlean though that’s pretty towny

d2 with a flipped maf we’re going to have to go into more logic than “two low posters didn’t interact in their low posts here”

this is true though the reason min was getting annoyed was because marl was scumreading them for not being obv town for some reason

you absolutely do not make this kind of read on yourself lmao. kind of thing a wolf does when town’s just too stupid to figure out their 4d chess move clearing them so they have to say it themselves lmao

don’t think brad and marl are same alignment. i mean i already didn’t see marl/brad/kazo as a team so that mess of a conversation just confirms it

me and zorvo already discussed this though. min was the most respected player who had similar reads to us if maf killed just to push a bad agenda they would’ve killed one of us so that a townmember could figurehead the lynches

posts that make me want to policy lynch a mod. call yourself obv town as much as you want you’ve still been on l-1 twice today so either play the game you signed up for and actually defend yourself or sub out <3


min's reasons for pushing on marl that isn't an omgus like marl keeps saying

basically goes on like this. marl made a horrible meta read about someone and then when faced with actual evidence that their read was wrong with sources, plays it off as an omgus and ignores it completely. it’s not a strong read as they do state that

but it’s still incredibly bad faith for marl to continue to state this was a groundless push against him

it’s on you

play the game

common town idea that vulgard/marl/magnus has a wolf in it. so either disprove it or deal with the consequences of it. it’s not a blind thunderdome if the two people in the thunderdome are both people town wants out to some degree

when you constantly state that seth does bad reads you can’t understand all the time and then compare someone else to be seth 2 there’s not really any other way to take it my guy

i explain my points constantly alongside what i’m using to base them on. simply either say you don’t understand them and ask for elaboration or admit that the reason you don’t “understand” some people’s reads is because you don’t like them and not because of any flaw in the presented case itself

maybe you should’ve gone for it you’re obviously too big brained and should cut yourself loose from town so we can wallow in our own filth

highest post count does not mean most content

tl;dr: marl is just extremely abrasive i don’t think this is the sod response from an actual wolf. so i’m just going to ignore them until they actually decide to be productive and/or not grating to interact with. the fact that the wagon got on them so quickly is meh but it’s sod of saying “ooo there’s no counterwagon” would be a stupid take

VOTE: Magnus

mangus however i really don’t like right now so i want my vote on them

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correction: both wolf i think both of them could be town

You’re calling it a “common Town idea”, but what is the idea? Could you explain to yourself why this may be true, or is just a sentient some other people said that you’re parroting? This is a serious question.

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“parroting” i’ve been the main person pushing it. guess i need to do an iso on myself to bring up my ideas again

I mainly remember Lol bringing it up.

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first thing i stated where i mentally was linking you and vulgard together to be t/t and w/w

here’s you yourself magnus linking yourself to vulgard :slight_smile:

you and vulgard both explaining/speaking about your reads on eachother

me bringing this up to lol lmao

lol simply stating that you’re both slightly town

vulgard/marl had some very juicy interactions that i already read into and thought about. a good chunk of my d1 was specifically talking to vulgard about it. magnus and marl however have not interacted as much as i want which is why i want and still want you two to thunderdome and will be happy to have both of you flip until it happens

Would you say this is still the case, in your mind?

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