GOAT^2 - Game Thread (5/15) - Day 6 - Mafia wonnered

Magnus talk to me
May just liked my posts and didn’t say anything

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I see you too

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Let’s imagine I flipped Mafia for a second. From your perspective, why would that exclude Lol and Ilwei from the possibility of also being Maf? What about vice versa?

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what the
those are tiers, not association reads

top is town
bottom is scum

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PLayong spatoon


I will spatoon you (jk)

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idk what it means but sounds painful as a verb

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My bad. I’ve seen that same template used before for association.
Why don’t you trust Molly?


posts are ok
decent wolf equity with both Marl and kazo

everyone else I either townread or has some non w/w interaction with kazo

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I can pull up specific posts if you need me to but it will take a while

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Was this meant to read “Splatoon”?

I was asking because it stuck out from the public opinion. I tentatively listed Molly as a scumlean as well, you’re fine.


actually, I should like
make a case or something but I want to hear other people’s thoughts on it

because sometimes when I think I’m right, I’m not :wowee:

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ok, so I’m not the only one
good to know

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Yeas. I was typing with controllers in my hand. I lost, so I can actually use a keyboard properly.

Going off of what I remember, yeah, Molly/Marl seems super plausible. I’ll have to read back with it in mind to verify, of course, but :eyes:

Magnus, my read on you has just been, like, nulltown so far. Normal stuff. There’s nothing that’s stuck out to me as strange. Of course, I’ll re-evaluate upon flips and NKs, but for now I’m not at all interested in killing you.


you can type with controllers?
wow what

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You can hold Joy-Cons in each hand and type while doing so. Not well, but you sure can do that, and I love to multitask.


I am unable to multitask ._.

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I don’t think I’ve done one thing at once in my life. I have my computer set up so I can listen to two YouTube videos at once, one in each ear, and absorb maximum information. My friends hate when I play entirely different games during rounds of amongus, and I do get killed every time I say “I didn’t see hte body because I was playing Splatoon”, but sometimes it’s even true!


wow that’s insane
I’m at the other end of the spectrum where I can’t even listen to music while I read because the music distracts me

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