Grand Idea Thread - Curated (Read OP Before Posting)

What is Grand Idea?
Grand Idea is a concept where the community submits their own uniquely created classes, which hosts can then rand a pool from and create game.

What’s different about this? Why?
GI Mafia has worked best in the past when there is at least some semblance of balance and coherency within the classes created. Often times however classes are submitted that completely throw that off course, making the game borderline unplayable. This thread will be curated by a team of people, similar to Chair of Deception. Expect the potential for edits and/or removal for certain roles.

What are the rules put in place?
Here’s a list:

  • Your class must be numbered properly.
  • Your class must have one of the 6 class types found in Chair of Deception: Killing, Offensive, Social, Support, Investigative, Special.
  • Your class should not alter the mechanics of the game.
  • Your class should be able to function regardless of who is in the game.
  • Your class, if it can kill or convert, should be limited in its capacity to do that. Submissions which can kill or convert nearly every phase from the beginning to the end of the game are likely to be nerfed. Roles with conversion are expected not to be able to convert multiple times.
  • If you believe that your role does not need to be different between its town/scum versions, consider making the role Town/Mafia. I (Geyde) will go through the thread periodically and split it into Town and Mafia roles.
  • Neutrals must have clearly defined and achievable win conditions. Any class that does not share the exact town or mafia wincons is considered a neutral.
  • Classes will have standardized wincons, as seen below:

TOWN (uninformed majority): Defeat all members of the Informed Minority and any neutrals that directly oppose your win condition.
MAFIA (informed minority): Gain parity with the Uninformed Majority and defeat any neutrals that directly oppose your win condition.
TOWN/MAFIA: Defeat all members of the Informed Minority and any neutrals that directly oppose your win condition. / Gain parity with the Uninformed Majority and defeat any neutrals that directly oppose your win condition.
Neutral: varies by case to case basis

Cards should be formatted like below. Class numbers are one more than the class before it.

Any colors may be used for cards with the exception of Town/Mafia roles which should use Yellow. Try not to use red for town roles and green for mafia though. That’s confusing.


Chloe does (Not) have power here :)

Town/Mafia Social

You, however, don’t (Passive) - You have no abilities, just your vote and your voice.

Defeat all members of the Informed Minority and any neutrals that directly oppose your win condition. / Gain parity with the Uninformed Majority and defeat any neutrals that directly oppose your win condition.

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DatBird the Moderator

Town Social
Blue (Passive): You are Blue. This allows you to bypass any silencing, post-restricting, etc. mechanics that are imposed by other roles or game mechanics (but not those imposed by the hosts).
lol you don’t even play anymore friendo (:orange_heart:): You have no day abilities, beyond the ability to post and vote, and cannot gain any by any means.
Review Setup (Night): Choose a role in the Grand Idea Thread. Learn if that role is present in this game. - Infinite Uses
Ban User (Night): Kill target player. - 1 Use

Defeat all members of the Informed Minority and any neutrals that directly oppose your win condition.


DatWolf the Evil Moderator

Mafia Social
Purple (Passive): You have wrestled power from Chloe, becoming Purple. This allows you to bypass any silencing, post-restricting, etc. mechanics that are imposed by other roles or game mechanics (but not those imposed by the hosts). Additionally, once per night, you may anonymously send a message to the thread through the game hosts.
Revise Setup (Night): Choose two roles in the Grand Idea Thread. If the first role is present in the game, all players with that role who are not aligned with your faction will become the second role. Their faction cannot change. - 2 Uses
Silence User (Night): Target player will be able to make a maximum of 50 posts tomorrow. They will be informed of this. - Infinite Uses

Gain parity with the Uninformed Majority and defeat any neutrals that directly oppose your win condition.



Town/Mafia Investigative
Eliza (passive): You may make a maximum of 50 posts per day phase.
Forum Mafia Political Compass (Town | Day): Quote a player’s post and include a screenshot of exactly one archetype described in the Forum Mafia Political Compass meme. (You must submit a link to the post in your rolecard.) At the end of tonight, learn their role type. If you use this ability, you may not take an action granted to you by your role that night. - Infinite Uses
Forum Mafia Political Compass (Mafia | Day): Quote a player’s post and include a screenshot of exactly one archetype described in the Forum Mafia Political Compass meme. (You must submit a link to the post in your rolecard.) At the end of tonight, learn their exact role. - Infinite Uses
Social Deduction Game Expert (Night): Target a player and name a social deduction game other than Throne of Lies: Medieval Politics or Chair of Deception, such as Untrusted or Blood on the Clocktower. Learn if that player’s role is based on that social deduction game. - Infinite Uses

(Town) Defeat all members of the Informed Minority and any neutrals that directly oppose your win condition.
(Mafia) Gain parity with the Uninformed Majority and defeat any neutrals that directly oppose your win condition.


Mafia Motivated Lost Even-Night N5- Janitor Vigilante

Mafia Killing

Lost (Passive) - doesn’t receive starting mafia information, and is not included in it either. does not have access to mafia chat. other mafia members know of this role’s existence, but not their identity.

Motivated (Night) - if you killed a mafia member last night, choose a player. they will die. their flip will be hidden, and you learn their alignment.

N5- (Passive) - All your active abilities no longer function after the end of Night 5.

Jan (Passive) - the rolecards of all players you kill will flip on your death.

itor Vigilante (Night) - each even night, select one person. they will die, because they were killed. their flip will be hidden, and you learn their alignment.

Gain parity with the Uninformed Majority and defeat any neutrals that directly oppose your win condition.



Town Special
every Mist role is a Latias reference (Passive): You have access to six Pokémon companions, each granting an associated night ability. Each of their abilities must be used once before any of them can be used again.

Absol (Night): Learn all players who were targeted by killing actions by members of the informed minority tonight. You will appear to visit all such players.
Shinx (Night): If you are poisoned tonight, you will gain a 1-shot strongman vigilante ability that can be used in day or night.
Alolan Vulpix (Night): Freeze target player. All actions used on them tonight, and all actions they use, will be delayed until the next night. If this affects an investigative action tonight, feedback will be given tonight as if that action was roleblocked.
Sylveon (Night): Pixilate target player. All investigative actions targeting them will be roleblocked.
Misdreavus (Night): Tonight, you will be immune to nightkills.
Minior (Night): Tomorrow, there will be a secret additional vote on your wagon. If there would be a tie for execution, and you are voting one of the wagons, your vote will count as two.

Defeat all members of the Informed Minority and any neutrals that directly oppose your win condition.

Mistyx (but evil)

Mafia Special
every Mist role is a Latias reference (Passive): You have access to six Pokémon companions, each granting an associated night ability. Each of their abilities must be used once before any of them can be used again.

Absol (Night): Learn all players who were targeted by killing actions tonight, as well as which players targeted them. When you submit this action, you may choose which players you appear to visit tonight.
Shinx (Night): Intimidate a player, roleblocking them.
Alolan Vulpix (Night): Freeze target player. All actions used on them tonight, and all actions they use, will be delayed until the next night. If this affects an investigative action tonight, feedback will be given tonight as if that action was roleblocked.
Sylveon (Night): Pixilate target player. All investigative actions targeting them will be roleblocked.
Misdreavus (Night): Tonight, you will be immune to nightkills.
Minior (Night): Tomorrow, there will be a secret additional vote on your wagon. If there would be a tie for execution, and you are voting one of the wagons, your vote will count as two.

This one actually has a Latias (Night): Refract light, making yourself invisible. All night actions targeting you tonight will fail. (1 use)

Gain parity with the Uninformed Majority and defeat any neutrals that directly oppose your win condition.


No Fun Allowed

Town Social

Int Fun = 0; (Passive) - Either two or three other people in the game are also this role.

Defeat all members of the Informed Minority and any neutrals that directly oppose your win condition.

No Fun Allowed

Mafia Social

Int Fun = 0; (Passive) - Either two or three other people in the game are also this role.

Gain parity with the Uninformed Majority and defeat any neutrals that directly oppose your win condition.


Fun Allowed

Town Social

Int Fun = 1; (Passive) - You know that no one in the game is No Fun Allowed.

Defeat all members of the Informed Minority and any neutrals that directly oppose your win condition.

Fun Allowed

Mafia Social

Int Fun = 1; (Passive) - You know that no one in the game is No Fun Allowed.

Gain parity with the Uninformed Majority and defeat any neutrals that directly oppose your win condition.



Clown Murder went back to college to get a more thorough education and diversify its skill set

Town/Mafia Special

Clown’s “Aid” (Night): Target a player who has posted the clown emoji during the previous day phase with one of the following abilities. You may not repeat an ability until you have used all at least once.

  • Clown Guardianship: Protect your target from all actions during the night. Anybody who targets them will have a clown emoji placed somewhere in their feedback.
  • Clown Examination: Learn your target’s role name (but not necessarily their alignment) and place a clown emoji somewhere in their feedback.
  • Clown Generosity: Give your target a gun, which they may publicly fire at another player during the day. It has a 50% chance to kill its target and a 50% chance to fail. Upon a failure, the given feedback will be a public host message containing only the clown emoji.
  • Clown Murder: Kill your target. A clown emoji will be placed somewhere in their flip. If somebody causes this kill to fail, a clown emoji will be placed somewhere in their feedback.



Town Support

Lose Bets (Passive): Any harmful non-killing abilities that directly target you will be inverted to instead benefit you, at the hosts’ discretion. (Actions which would roleblock you instead strongwill you, if a player would learn information about you, then you will also learn that information about them [but not who it originated from], extra votes placed on you will instead be placed for the player you are voting, and actions like post restrictions which cannot be inverted will be redirected to their originator.)

Lose More Bets (Night): Select a player and place a “bet” as to who they will target. If you are correct, protect yourself from any kills they would perform, and redirect any harmful (not inc. investigative) actions they would perform to yourself, where they will be inverted.



Mafia Support

Lose Bets (Passive): Any harmful non-killing abilities that directly target you will be inverted to instead benefit you, at the hosts’ discretion. (Actions which would roleblock you instead strongwill you, if a player would learn information about you, then you will also learn that information about them [but not who it originated from], extra votes placed on you will instead be placed for the player you are voting, and actions like post restrictions which cannot be inverted will be redirected to their originator.)

Lose More Bets (Night): Select a player and place a “bet” as to who they will target and what category of action they will perform. If you are correct about their target, roleblock them. If you are correct about their action category, learn their role.





Neutral Killer
Too Big To Fail: The first time you would die at night, you live instead (if you are attacked multiple times in one night, you still die)
Kernal Access: Each night, you may Prime up to one target player.
Y2K24: At Night, you may Ignite all Primed players.
Be the last person standing, or make it so that nothing can prevent this



Some Fun Allowed

Town Social

Float Fun = 0.5; (Passive) - Either one or two other people in the game are also this role. You know who they are and may once per game send a 150 character message to both or one of them.

Defeat all members of the Informed Minority and any neutrals that directly oppose your win condition.

Some Fun Allowed

Mafia Social

Float Fun = 0.5; (Passive) - Either one or two other people in the game are also this role. You know who they are and may once per game send a 150 character message to both or one of them.

Gain parity with the Uninformed Majority and defeat any neutrals that directly oppose your win condition.



Fun Allowed (for town)

Town Special

Int Mafia_Fun = 0; (Passive) - While you are alive, all conversion abilities from non-town players fail.

Defeat all members of the Informed Minority and any neutrals that directly oppose your win condition.


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