Grand Idea Thread - Moderated



Mafia Special

Confirm Ejects: OFF (Passive): Your rolecard won’t flip upon death. Mafia teammates won’t start by learning each others roles.
Emergency Meeting (Passive): If your rolecard is seen by another player, they die. If you claim to be this role, you are immediately executed at the next available opportunity (not ending the day).
Self-Report (Day, 1-shot): Choose a player. They see your rolecard, and their own rolecard won’t flip upon death.




Town Investigative

Stewardship (Passive) - On Night 0, you learn a player who is Town-aligned.

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Town Investigative
Wiretap (Passive) - You have one of the following abilities, but do not know which.

Domestic (Passive) - You start knowing 2 allied players. When they both die, you learn their roles tonight.
Foreign (Passive) - You start knowing 2 opposing players. When you die, you learn the Mafia character tonight.

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Ada Wong

Town Investigative
Dead by Daylight (Passive) - You belong to the Dead by Daylight universe. Every player is assigned a generator to share, randomly assigned to pairs of odd and even seated players. Once a generator has been visited a total number of three times, the generator becomes repaired, and can no longer be targeted by a Survivor.
Survivor (Passive) - For every generator that is completed, receive a charge of a chosen ability.
Low Profile (Passive) - Your abilities are ninja.
Reactive Healing (Day Ability) - Choose a target generator. If any player belonging to that generator is bled, prevent it today. - (2 uses)
Wiretap (Night Ability) - Place a wiretap on a target generator. You will learn of all players to visit the target generator unless a killing action is taken against it or a Killer visits it. - (1 use)


Cheryl Mason

Town Support
Dead by Daylight (Passive) - You belong to the Dead by Daylight universe. Every player is assigned a generator to share, randomly assigned to pairs of odd and even seated players. Once a generator has been visited a total number of three times, the generator becomes repaired, and can no longer be targeted by a Survivor.
Survivor (Passive) - For every generator that is completed, receive a charge of a chosen ability.
Soul Guard (Passive) - When you die, your soul lives on, allowing you to talk while dead (but not join dead chat).
Repressed Alliance (Day Ability) - Choose a target generator. Any abilities targeting that generator fail and do not progress it’s repair progress. - 2 uses
Blood Pact (Night Ability) - Target a player: if you die, they die. - 1 use

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Arete (2023 edition)

Town Killing
Die (Night): Attack yourself. If you die, you will flip only as “Town” and a randomly chosen other player will be revealed as the member of the Town.


Vulgard (2023 edition)

Mafia Killing
##ITA baker (Day): Kill a player in broad daylight. This can only be used after the first quarter of the day (12 hours in 48/24), and cannot target any player who has been voted today.


Arctic (2023 edition)

Town? Support

Hide (Night): Hide behind target player. Prevent all visits to you tonight. If the player you target is non-Town, or if they die tonight, you will die.
Town wincon, OR die night 1 by hiding behind a Town player who dies


Centuries (2023 edition)

Town Killer
yeah sorry about this that one’s on me (Passive): Any Arete-flavored roles that investigate you for any reason (including a reason not provided by their role PM) will always find the most suspicious result.

Dayvig (Day, 1-shot): Kill a player.

Nightvig (Night, 1-shot, Must be used the night after you use Dayvig): Kill a player.


CRichard (2023 edition)

Town Killing
Revenge Kill (Passive): If any player targets you with any form of public killpower (such as a public dayvig or an ITA shot) you will passively use the same form of killpower on them as well. This will not be announced unless it would kill them.



Zorvo (2023 edition)

Mafia Killing
Arete doesn’t mention you (passive): Any role that is named or includes “Arete” in the Rolecard will die at the end of day one if your still alive.
Side with Vulgard (Day): Have Vulgard be told to Kill a player in broad daylight in DM and let him shoot a player, even if Vulgard isn’t in the game he will be added to your Rolecard and can talk in main thread whenever he wants and shoot whenever he wants but he can only shoot twice per game and only once per day phase.


Among Us

Town Special
Sus (Passive) - You are sus.
Town wincon



May this role sucks

Mafia Offensive
Please delete it (Night) - Once per game, choose a player and guess their role. If you guess their role correctly, they are vanillaised, until and unless they correctly guess you that you are the player who did this (they may only make one guess).
Mafia win condition.




Peak Grammar (Passive): You must use the wrong version of “you’re” and “your”. If you fail, you will die at the end of this phase.




Creation: From Dust in Hong Kong

Town Support

Deception: Murder in Hong Kong (Night) - If target player dies tonight, revive them at the end of the next night. They will not join dead chat, nor do they flip. - 2 uses


Disintegration: To Dust in Hong Kong

Mafia Killing

Deception: Murder in Hong Kong (Night) - Disintegrate a player if they die tonight, cleaning their flip. - 3 uses

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The Mute

Town Special

Scrapbooking (Passive) - You may only speak by quoting others’ posts and nothing else. To facilitate this, you must include a gibberish message in <carrots>; this messge may not convey any information. You may not edit any quotes you use in this way. If you fail, you will die at the end of this phase.

Town Wincon

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[b] [/b]

Mafia Killing
You can make a completely empty forum post by putting a space in BBCode tags (Day, 1-shot): Make a completely empty forum post by putting a space in BBCode tags.
Mafia Killing (Day, 1-shot): Kill a player. If you use “You can make a completely empty forum post by putting a space in BBCode tags”, gain another use of this ability.
Mafia wincon.



Final Girl

Town Power
I’m the only hope for this town (Day ability) - If you are one of 4 or less players alive and claim to be the Final Girl, your team wins.
Damsel in distress (Passive) - If the Mafia Flagbearer correctly guesses you once, your team loses.
Town win condition


I think you made a typo

Town Special
That first ability would just instantly win the game (N0): Select a player. Learn their full role (but not their alignment)
Did you mean to say “4 or fewer players alive?” (Night): Add, remove, or swap one letter in your target’s rolecard. Subject to host veto and interpretation.
Town wincon.


I know you made a typo

Mafia Special
Responding to people via GI roles is a good bit I think (N0): Select a player. Learn their full role (but not their alignment)
Maybe not so good when people have to rand this shit though (Night): Add, remove, or swap one letter in your target’s rolecard. Subject to host veto and interpretation.
Mafia wincon.

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I changed my mind

Town Investigative
It’s actually good when people rand this shit they should suffer (Night, 2-shot): Select a player; learn a list of the unique letters of the Latin alphabet that are present in their rolecard.
Town win condition.



Mafia Investigative
Oh the misery every single person is my enemy (Night, 2-shot): Select a player; learn a list of the unique letters of the Latin alphabet that are present in their rolecard.
Mafia win condition.


Town Spymaster

Town Social

Master of Spies (Passive) - During the night, players may send you messages. You may not respond. This is publicly announced.


Mafia Spymaster

Mafia Social

Master of Spies (Passive) - During the night, players may send you messages. You may not respond. This is publicly announced.



Mafia Rolecop + 1 shot Conditional Vigilante and Setup modifier
I know you’re there Spartacus! (Passive) - When you are in play, the host must replace a town token with Spartacus on setup.
Foretelling (Night) - Check a player, you learn their role.
I have foretold your demise (Night 1-shot) - If you use Foretelling on the same player twice, they will die that night. This applies whether the checks happened on consecutive nights or not.
Win condition: Ensure only 2 players are alive.



Town Special

The Messiah (Passive) - If Haruspex (#457) publicly guesses that you are Spartacus, your team loses. Only the first guess will count, and only if they aren’t pressured into making it (as decided by the host).

Lost in the Crowd (Passive) - You will appear as a member of the Town and as another existing role in the game to investigative checks.

Kill One Hero and the Rest Still Stand (Night) - Choose a player. If they ever die and are aligned with the Town, they will instead flip as Spartacus and you inherit the abilities of their rolecard alongside your own. Then you lose this ability.

Town wincon.