The Haruspex
Steppe Support
Menkhu (Passive) - Each Night, you can choose to learn the cause of death of a player who died within the last two days. The cause of death is not what role killed them, but the method that was used (for a death from a Sorcerer bomb, it would be explosion).
Hole Jumper (Passive) - Whenever an ability offers you a deal or some other yes/no mechanic, you will always oblige.Panachea (Night) - Give a player a cure to the Plague. They will be cured of any ongoing negative effects they are suffering from and be protected from kills tonight. Infinite Uses
GO ONION, I NEED TO COLLECT THE TOOLS (Night) - Banish all players who visit you tonight from the game. Collect a tools item, which can be used to make a player bleed (but has a 50% chance to just fucking kill you instead). 1 UseTown wincon.