Grand Idea Thread - Moderated


In Theory, The GM Could And Should Stop That From Happening, And This Was The Reason That The GM Must Approve Of The Puzzle Before It Is Submitted, And Honestly, It’s Kind Of Anti-Self Actualization To Not Do Fun Things With Puzzles, But This Might Be Colored Because Of QBCord’s Adoration Of Puzzles Versus This Site’s Focus On Winning, Which Is Honestly An Entire Can Of Worms That I Do Not Want To Open Because I Am Not Qualified To Open It And Really Don’t Want A Bunch Of People To View Me Being Slightly Disappointed In Their Approach To Mafia As Being An Attack On Them As A Person Because I Can Find Better Reasons To Hate People Than That. So I Guess We’re Now In An Arms Race For Puzzle Difficulty.

Town Investigative

We Need To Show People How It’s Done (Passive): If you are in the game, so is So nothing stops the person with this role from making a really easy puzzle (561). However, a random mafia member may also have the ability of Escape Room Creator (560) whose use of [My Masterpiece], when solved, will give its players a number of the creator’s choice. This will be in addendum to their normal role.

Prove To Me The Existence of the Counterforce (Passive): [But I Guess If We’re Doing This, We’re Gonna Go All Out] will also target four random town players, not including you. They will be given a temporary chat together to solve the puzzles. By End of Night, they fail to solve the puzzles, all four players will die.

We Will Steal Your Heart (Day): Create up to three puzzles. At Start of Night, these puzzles will be given to the mafia. If the mafia members are unable to solve all three puzzles before End of Night, all mafia actions will be blocked except the factional.

Defeat all members of the Mafia, as well as any neutrals that directly oppose your win condition.




Mafia Social

team katze (Passive): You are a katze
nyaborhood (Passive): You share a neighborhood with all people on team katze
katze (Day, 1-shot, Instant): Kill all town aligned players on team katze

Mafia wincon


564 (hats to @Ash for the idea.)