Gen 2 Snorlax
Mafia Killer
fuckign RUN. you need to get out of here NOW. im fucking serious this is life or death. gen 2 snorlax is coming to beat the shit out of you. it has 6 fucking moves somehow this is god damn serious please helpThe Undisputed Eternal King (Passive) - Whenever a target of yours would survive one of your attacks due to a protective effect, spend 1 Offense Charge to bypass 1 protective effect. You start with 1 Offense Charge.
Leftovers (Passive) - Whenever you would die due to something other than execution, consume a Bulk Charge to survive. You start with 1 Bulk Charge.
Rest (Day) - Cure all negative effects affecting you. Gain 1 Bulk Charge. Fall Asleep for the next 2 nights. While Asleep, you may not submiit any actions other than Sleep Talk. - Infinite uses.
Sleep Talk (Night) - Can only be used while Asleep. Use Curse, Thunder, Earthquake or Double-Edge, chosen at random, againsat your target, even if that ability is out of uses. - Infinite uses.
Curse (Night) - Gain 1 Bulk Charge and 1 Offense Charge. You would lose speed, but your speed tier is shit anyway, so who fucking cares? - Infinite uses.
Double-Edge (Night) - If your target is Support or Investigative, they die. You automatically use Rest the day after using this move, unless you are already Asleep. - 1 use.
Earthquake (Night) - If your target is Social or Offensive, they die. If your target’s class depicts a Flying-type Pokemon, they will always be immune to this effect. - 1 use.
Thunder (Night) - If your target’s type is Killer or Special, they die. This ability has a 30% chance of missing. Fuck you. - 1 use.
Mafia win condition.
Gen 4 Machamp
Town Offensive
LETS GO GAMBLING! aw dang it. aw dang it. aw dang i- what the fuck do you mean this is ubers in DPP
Dynamic Punch (NIght) - Has a 50% chance of inflicting Confusion against your target for 2-5 nights, the length selected at random. While Confused, there is a 50% chance that any actions performed will fail. If your target has the ability to kill another player with their abilities, if Confusion would cause an action to fail, it additionally has a 50% chance to kill the Confused player. - Infinite uses.
No Guard (Passive) - i lied about the first coinflip, Dynamic Punch always hits.
Town win condition.
The Dame Da Ne Guy
Mafia Killer
Why Can You Carry So Many Healing Items (Day/Night) - Heal yourself. - 16 Uses
Tiger Drop (Night) - Each night, choose a player. Negate all damage from them and kill them if they attack you.
Mafia win condition
Free Will is a Myth, Religion is a Joke
Town Offensive
Who Wrote This Shit (Passive) - Immune to roleblocking and redirection.
We are all Pawns, controlled by something greater. Memes, the DNA of the Soul (Night) - Choose two players. They are redirected toward each other. This does NOT redirect the factional kill because fuck you.
Town wincon
Vanilla Town
Town Social
You have no abilities.
Town wincon
Enables 10% ITAs starting d2 when active
When an ITA hits you it will be called a miss rather than ‘hit, nobody died’
mafia wincon
Zone’s Neutrals
Neutral Special
Morph (Night 1, 1-shot) - Pick a neutral from a game hosted by Zone_Q11. Become that neutral, taking their role and win condition. This ability cannot be stopped in any way, and resolves instantly (so you can take actions as your new role N1). The host can choose to make you pick a different neutral.
You have no win condition. Obtain one using Morph.