Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread 2 - Town emerged victorious!

Agreed. We have far too many v flips for my liking.

Sorry I forgot I get us too close to hammer lol

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If you think there’s a framer and no consort, or that the consort isn’t blocking you, why on earth have neither you nor Atlas hit a red?

windy the unvote is [unvote][/unvote] fyi

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Oops lol

UNVOTE ElizathePsycho

no need to include the name as well

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Anything is possible honestly.

Oh boy I feel smart
I only know this cuz I’m also playing a game on Mafia451 rn lmao

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(ye that’s where we got the VC bot from lol)

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Yes so
You can’t just assume a consort flip means framer and godfather lol

You can’t assume lack of a consort means framer and godfather either

If no one but him died, then he was likely blocked and you’re forgetting about journals.

I have a dumb question for everyone who isn’t Leafia and Hippo (but they’re free to answer it too)

If Leafia is sheriff and Hippo is backup vig, why did neither die to anticlaim when both were nearly universally townread?

And if Leafia is wolf, why didn’t Hippo die as the next most powerful claimed PR?

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Yes so obviously we don’t have a janitor, town just potatoed and didn’t write logs for two nights

I honestly don’t know but I don’t really have any other explaination I can think of as to why I’m still alive if Eliza is consort. It’s my biggest reason for not thinking she’s consort actuslly.

Yes so if they can’t block you then why don’tt hey just anticlaim you
We know they have a strongman

They were likely afraid of townleader Achro.

  1. worried about an unclaimed protective?
  2. worried more about Achro?

I said it confirms it in my mind. Of course it doesn’t confirm it to anyone else.