Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread 2 - Town emerged victorious!

This goes for everyone
We always kill Eliza today. We do not split votes on different wagons. If Eliza is the consort, our only hope at winning is to get her out before she can block anyone else. Otherwise Hippo can’t self-resolve as town, and it causes problems for Leafia’s slot as well (if there aren’t enough already).


Yeah well he just shot my second top townread
And he was wrong on pigeon
I would be much more afraid of a sheriff than Achro if I were a wolf.

I’m here now

Btw @Leafia if we are killing Eliza today, you are to check Trochi. No excuses.

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Dw I decided I wanted to hear more from other people first lol.

I’m fine with Hippo shooting me if Eliza flips w. I’d rather not be alive in Lylo anyway if Hippo really is town and it’ll clear up suspicion on my slot which will definitely be nice.

I see I’m at the lowest point in Zone’s and Leafia’s readlists

If Hippo is town and you are town, you both die and we lose

that’s too bad because I’m just going to talk regardless

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Do you want to maybe talk about how Leafia the claimed sheriff isn’t dead or blocked yet

That’s fine
I just meant I wasn’t gonna pressure you

Like I said, it would help explain why I’m still alive. I never said I couldn’t be wrong.

I want to explain my pigeon push today

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You’re saying… Wolves would leave you alive because you think there’s a framer when there isn’t? What?

I’m all ears

Also, I probably would’ve claimed at least one red if I was a wolf by now. Especially today. It was the perfect chance to do so.

You’re talking bbn like there’s no way we have a framer Wind.

No it really wasn’t lol
You’re not dead, you’re not blocked, you default to PoE, and we have a flipped sheriff
You would’ve had to decide whether to bus a wolf or clear a town, or lie about either one, knowing you’d be under scrutiny. The safest bet would be to wifom and keep claiming green checks to sow doubt among the ones you outed.

Do you think I give a shit about a framer if we haven’t had a single red check? For all I know, we could have a framer and you very conveniently are lying about your checks. Meaning if there’s a framer, it’s probably you lol. If you ever hit the same target as Atlas, you both would’ve claimed red.

Hippo has been very villagery this game.