Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread 2 - Town emerged victorious!

Yes. You and/or Gorta.

Thereā€™s 6 nontown in the game. Two of them are dead. So pretty sure that 6-2 still equals 4. Correct me if Iā€™m wrong someone. Before you say that this is TMI about how many nontown remain, itā€™s literally stated in the OP how many villagers and nontown we have 14 villagers and 6 nontown to start.

Most likely. Especially if thereā€™s four mafia left. If thereā€™s 3 mafia and a neut left, Iā€™m not sure.

The wolfiest part about what Kiiruma is up to and what makes me nearly certain he has to be the GF is how heā€™s trying to link me to Eli despite knowing me and what happened in FAM2. Heā€™d definitely know better if he was a villager here. Especially since out of everyone alive, he has the most experience with me. Yet heā€™s ignoring all my villagery points and even Aliceā€™s v read on me when Alice has literally never been wrong on my alignment even once. Iā€™m at the point now where I donā€™t think Iā€™ll ever get good enough to fool her into thinking Iā€™m a villager as a wolf. Sheā€™s just too skilled at reading me honestly and Iā€™m okay with that.

Although it is my dream to one day fool a v!Alice into towncoring me while Iā€™m a wolf. Itā€™s a dream Iā€™ve had since Insurgency and if it ever somehow comes true, Iā€™ll know that Iā€™ve improved my wolfgame by leaps and bounds.

Yep thatā€™s what my assumption was based off

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Also, with the controversy surrounding Trochi, in the very unlikely event where theyā€™re town, if theyā€™re alive in Lylo, we just lose here so we need to solve them today.

You know Iā€™m right about this Wind so please vote Trochi. Please trust me here.

I think its windward and eliza and wind is bussing

Just vote eliza and ill shoot windy tonight

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It isnā€™t Wind. How does she have two votes if sheā€™s not mayor? Just vote for Trochi and if you really think Wind is scum, you can shoot her. I donā€™t think itā€™s Eliza. You better be absolutely sure itā€™s Wind before shooting her though.

I will be sure trust me i never miss

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I still think itā€™s better if we execute Trochi. They need to be resolved and I really think theyā€™re a more likely hit than Eliza here.

But if eliza is consort i cant shoot wind

If Eliza was Consort, I think I wouldā€™ve been rbed. Or killed last night. Or she wouldā€™ve rbed Achro.

Tell you what. If you get rbed, we quickexe Eliza into the sun tomorrow after executing Trochi today. Deal?

Nah i dont wanna vote out troch they just replaced in its rude


What im a gentleman

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Eliza click on my pfp

i know

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It isnā€™t rude to execute a very likely wolf and if youā€™re somehow correct on Wind, Trochi has to be a wolf with how Wind is acting.