Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread 2 - Town emerged victorious!

I’m pretty sure that I am right. I’m still open to compromising and executing Trochi too.

I have no idea how that’s clearing at all for you, and no, you knew achro was town kp but all I have is a dumb extra vote. I’m not a threat as a PR.

Either Achro or I would still have been rbed though. I’m nearly certain of that.

I will think about it but I’m not dealing with it right this instant.

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Wind. Mayor is literally one of the biggest threats to mafia and Achro who also had me as locktown from Pigeon’s flip which he stated that he’d be doing if Pigeon was town before D3 ended, could only kill every other night and could also kl villagers.

Thank you and fair enough.

Eliza/Leafia/Trochi still contains 1-2 wolves, debatable who it is
Depending on that, Hippo possibly gets poed next
Keep an eye on the Zone/Gorta thing

Logging off for the day, be back in a while.

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Mayor isn’t a threat if I wolfside by voting out town like Brad :person_shrugging: I was wrong on pigeon as well, just didn’t come back in time to vote

Ok bye

Good night Wind. I think I’m going to try again to get a bit of sleep myself.

it’s 4:05 am
what is it

oh you’re both gone ok

you know
i’m used to atoning for my own slots actions but not like this

It can still be a big threat if the mayor is correct in their reads and still a bigger threat to me in worlds where I’m a wolf than Achro would’ve been. That’s what I’m trying to say. Besides, he wouldn’t have been able to act N4. Good night again now. :sleepingleafeon:

okay goodnight i sleep

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My read is that someone is HOWLING rn with trying to flop votes

Okay so we’re one day away from lylo right?

No idea
I’m assuming probably 4 non-town left
If there’s more than that, we’re already set to lose

Whoops sorry lol
Mostly wanted your opinion on Leafia and Eliza