Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread 2 - Town emerged victorious!

It does look good for you admittedly, very good because I honestly find it unlikely that the Godfather would get two votes here. Try convincing Hippo of that though. He plans on shooting you tonight.

achro townread me

Did you take him seriously lol

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Not during part of yesterday, he didnā€™t

He was literally going to shoot your slot last night but switched to shooting Atlas for dome strange reason. Wazza was pretty much almost lockwolf in Achroā€™s eyes EoD3.

this is what iā€™m going off of

I can usually tell when Hippo is joking Wind.

That was only if Atlas flipped wolf lol
And uh, that didnā€™t happen
Achro said you were spewed clear if Atlas was a wolf
So weā€™re just back to the drawing board

there we go

Trust me, heā€™s not shooting me tonight unless heā€™s a wolf :person_shrugging: so donā€™t worry about it

thatā€™s if pigeon flipped w from what i just read

No. He said I was spewed clear earlier than that if Pigeon was a.villager.

Nope, he wrote that after pigeon flipped town and assuming Atlas would flip wolf

Iā€™m not talking about you, Iā€™m talking about Trochiā€™s slot.

this isnā€™t computing
i just woke up

I know. Iā€™m talking about his tead on me.

In his LOGS
Which flipped this MORNING

Morning? SoD? I meant SoD lol

Youā€™re mixing up two completely different topics. Iā€™m not discussing your slot, Iā€™m discussing Trochiā€™s.

Alice is a very strong player Wind. She wouldnā€™t be wrong about me. She never is and you know that for a fact. She even said so herself. She may be wrong about other people every so often, but never me.